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considering Lie-Möbius sphere geometry through the usage of the
dedicated MoebInv
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What is a cycle, anyway? A pedestrian introduction of the key concept of Lie-Möbius sphere geometry. ⚙CoLab 👁 HTML view
What is PyGiNaC, anyway? A pedestrian introduction of the key concept of Lie-Möbius sphere geometry. ⚙CoLab or 👁 HTML view
Vladimir V. Kisil, MoebInv: Symbolic, numeric and graphic manipulations in non-Eclidean geometry, SourceForge repository, 2004-2019.
Vladimir V. Kisil. Geometry of Möbius Transformations: Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Actions of SL(2,R). Imperial College Press, London, 2012. Includes a live DVD.
Vladimir V. Kisil, MoebInv notebooks, 2019.