None What_is_cycle

Start from the basics: What is a cycle, anyway?

Vladimir V Kisil

Cycles are fundamental objects in considered geometries and, consequently, in MoebInv package. Thus they deserve a proper introduction.

Note: to execute the notebook you may need to install software.

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Unifying circles, points and lines

Let us start from a circle with centre $(u_0,v_0)$ and radius $r$ which is represented by an equation: \begin{equation} (u-u_0)^2 + (v-v_0)^2 = r^2. \tag{1}\label{eq1} \end{equation} Naturally, points can be seen as limiting case of circles with zero radius $r=0$.

Remark. We are using letters $(u,v)$ for plane's coordinates instead of more common $(x,y)$ as a reminder, that this is not just an ordinary complex plane.

The equation \eqref{eq1} can be obviously re-arranged as \begin{equation} u^2 + v^2 - 2 u u_0 - 2 v v_0 + (u_0^2 + v_0^2 - r^2)=0. \tag{2}\label{eq2} \end{equation}

It is well-known (and will be discussed in details later) that the family of all circles is not invariant under Möbius transformations: some circles are transformed into straight lines. To accommodate lines we finally rewrite the last equation \eqref{eq2} as \begin{equation} k(u^2+v^2) - 2 l u - 2 n v + m =0. \tag{3}\label{eq3} \end{equation} That is

  • for $k=1$, $l=u_0$, $n=v_0$ and $m=(u_0^2+v_0^2- r^2)$ we obtain the above equation \eqref{eq3} of the circle or a point; and
  • for $k=0$ we obtain the equation $2 l u + 2 n v - m =0$ of a straight line.

Definition. The name cycle is used to denote either circle, or point or a straight line.

Intuitively, straight lines are circles of infinite radius---just the opposite extreme to points.

Assuming the library is installed, let us define this cycle in MoebInv package:

In [1]:
from cycle import * # Just load the cycle library
k = realsymbol("k") # Define a real variable k
l = realsymbol("l") # Define a real variable l
n = realsymbol("n") # Define a real variable n
m = realsymbol("m") # Define a real variable m

C = cycle2D(k, [l, n], m) # Define the cycle
# Note that coefficients l and n of the linear terms are groupped in a list

Latex(f'${C}$') # See the result pretty-printed, note Python3 f-string usage
            Python wrappers for MoibInv Library
Please cite this software as
V.V. Kisil, MoebInv: C++ libraries for manipulations in non-Euclidean geometry, SoftwareX, 11(2020),100385. doi:10.1016/j.softx.2019.100385.

$(k, {\left(\begin{array}{cc}l&n\end{array}\right)}^{{symbol6} }, m)$

Remark. The superscript with a numbered symbol is here for a technical reason and it is safe to ignore it and consider the output as $(k, {\left(\begin{array}{cc}l&n\end{array}\right)}, m)$.

So far the output is not different from our input, which is not very impressive. However MoebInv can do some calculations for us.. For example, to define a zero-radius cycle corresponding to a point we need only to supply its coordinates:

In [2]:
C0 = cycle2D([l,n])
$(1, {\left(\begin{array}{cc}l&n\end{array}\right)}^{{symbol11} }, n^{2}+l^{2})$

In a similar way we can define any cycle by its centre and radius. But first we need to introduce ``metric'' for our geometry. This will be explained in details in \eqref{eq6} of the last section of this notebook, for now we shall accept it as-is.

In [3]:
M = matrix([[-1,0],[0,-1]]) # The metric for the Euclidean space
r = realsymbol("r")
C = cycle2D([l,n], M, r**2)
$(1, {\left(\begin{array}{cc}l&n\end{array}\right)}^{{symbol34} }, n^{2}-r^{2}+l^{2})$

The MoebInv output is in agreement with the last displayed equation \eqref{eq3} for a cycle above.

Remark. The order of variables in output expressions is random and can be different from run to run of the code.

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The projective space of cycles

There is no mathematical reasons to limit ourselves just to two cases $k=0$ or $k=1$ in the equation \eqref{eq3} of cycle. In fact, any real value of $k$ can be considered. Thus, a cycle is parametrised by the four real numbers $(k, l, n, m)$. Consequently, a cycle is completely is completely defined by four-dimensional vector $(k, l, n, m)\in\mathbb{R}^4$

However, some vector, for example $(k, l, n, m)$ and $(2k, 2l, 2n, 2m)$ produce equivalents equations and define exactly the same cycle. Let us check that MoebInv is aware of it:

In [4]:
C = cycle2D(k, [l, n], m) 
C2 = cycle2D(2*k, [2*l, 2*n], 2*m) # All coefficients of cycle C are scaled by factor 2

Just to make sure that MoebInv does not consider all cycles to be equal:

In [5]:
C3 = cycle2D(2*k, [l, n], m) # Note that only the first coefficient was scaled now!

It is easy to see that two vectors $(k, l, n, m)$ and $(k', l', n', m')$ define the same cycle if and only if there exists a real non-zero $\lambda$ such that \begin{equation} k = \lambda k',\quad l = \lambda l',\quad n = \lambda n' \quad \text{and} \quad m = \lambda m'. \tag{4} \end{equation}

The last condition is an equivalence relation on $\mathbb{R}^4$. The respective equivalence classes are lines in $\mathbb{R}^4$, each such line is considered as a point of the projective space $P\mathbb{R}^3$.

Example. Not every point of the projective space $P\mathbb{R}^3$ corresponds to a circle. point or line. For example, cycle $(1, 0, 0, 1)$ with the respective equation \begin{equation} u^2 + v^2 +1 =0 \tag{4} \label{eq4} \end{equation} has any solution $(u,v)\in\mathbb{R}^2$.

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Visualising cycles

We spoke about geometry for a while but have not seen any picture so far. It is not right and MoebInvcan fix it for us. The drawing routines relay on Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language, thus it shall be opened for piping compand. The first command shall set the size of the picture:

In [6]:
Asy = asy() # Open the named command pipe
Asy.size(200) # Set the size of the output in pixels

If you see the above message, that Asymptote session is open, then we can pipe cycles' data to it. Any other Asymptote command can be piped as well and you may enhance your drawing in this way.

Let us try to visualise the cycle C defined before:

Asy.send(C.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string

However this will produce an error:

Truncated Traceback (Use C-c C-$ to view full TB):
<ipython-input-43-18d70807d1b9> in <module>()
----> 1 Asy.send(C.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string

RuntimeError: Internal error: statement in file real/conv/, line 55 has been reached!!
Please send the authors of the program a description how you produced this error!

Despite of the error message, we shall not report anything to authors -- the error is our fault. Cycle C depends on symbolic variables $k$, $l$, $n$ and $m$ and cannot be painted, of course. Thus let us draw another completely determined cycles:

In [7]:
C0 = cycle2D([0, 0]) # the point at the origin
C1 = cycle2D([0, 0], M, 1) # the unit circle, see definition of the matrix M above
C2 = cycle2D(0, [1, 1], 0) # the straight line through the origin an slop -1 
Asy.send(C0.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string for C0
Asy.send(C1.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string for C1
Asy.send(C2.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string for C2
Asy.shipout("first-test") # request to output to a file, which will be vsualised by Jupyter
No description has been provided for this image

Using viewports

On our first graphics, We see the point, the circle and the line. Only the finite portion of the line is painted, it shall fits inside the viewport. It is a rectangle, the default lower-left and upper-right corners are $(-5,-5)$ and $(5,5)$. Only parts of cycles within a used viewport are painted as illustrated here:

In [8]:
C3 = cycle2D([0, 0], M, 4**2) # the cicrle of the radius 4
C4 = cycle2D([0, 0], M, 6**2) # the cicrle of the radius 4
C5 = cycle2D([0, 0], M, 8**2) # the cicrle of the radius 8
Asy.send(C3.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string for C0
Asy.send(C4.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string for C1
Asy.send(C5.asy_string()) # We send to Asympotote the drawing instruction string for C1
Asy.shipout("second-test") # request to output to a file, which will be vsualised by Jupyter
No description has been provided for this image

In addition to the previous picture (which was not erased, see below) we notice the entire circle C3, four arcs of the cycle C3 and no traces of C5 at all.

The default viewport can be set as follow:

In [9]:
set_viewport(-9,-9,9,9) # Set the larger default viewpoty
Asy.erase() # Erase the picture from the old drawings
Asy.size(200) # Set the picture size
Asy.send(C0.asy_string()) # the drawing instruction string for C0
Asy.send(C1.asy_string()) # drawing instruction string for C1
Asy.send(C2.asy_string()) # drawing instruction string for C2
Asy.send(C3.asy_string()) # drawing instruction string for C3
Asy.send(C4.asy_string()) # drawing instruction string for C4
Asy.send(C5.asy_string()) # drawing instruction string for C5
Asy.shipout("third-test")  # request to output to a file for Jupyter visualisation
No description has been provided for this image

Now all cycles are visible in the larger viewport. You do not need to be limited to the default viewport and can set as many of them as possible as illustrated below:

In [10]:
V1 = viewport(-9,-9,3.3,3.3) # Set the first additional viewport
V2 = viewport(-3,-3,9,9) # Set the second additional viewport
Asy.erase() # Erase the picture from the old drawings
Asy.size(200) # Set the picture size
Asy.send(C0.asy_string()) # Use the default viewport implicitly
Asy.send(C1.asy_string(current_viewport)) # Use the default viewport explicitly 
Asy.send(C2.asy_string(current_viewport)) # Use the default viewport explicitly
Asy.send(C3.asy_string(V1)) # C3 in the first viewport
Asy.send(C4.asy_string(V2)) # C4 in the second viewport
Asy.send(C5.asy_string(V1)) # C5 in the first viewport
Asy.shipout("fourth-test")  # request to output to a file for Jupyter visualisation
No description has been provided for this image

Also we can add to our drawing a bit of colour and style using Asymptote language.

In [11]:
Asy.erase() # Erase the picture from the old drawings
Asy.size(200) # Set the picture size
Asy.send(C0.asy_string(current_viewport, [1,0,0], '7pt')) # RGB colour red and 7pt pen
Asy.send(C1.asy_string(current_viewport, [0,1,0], '2pt')) # GGB colour green and 2ot pen
Asy.send(C2.asy_string(current_viewport, [0,0,1], '2pt')) #  GGB colour blue and 2ot pen
Asy.send(C3.asy_string(V1, [0,0,0], '1.5pt+dashed')) # Black 1.5pt colour and dashed line 
Asy.send(C4.asy_string(V2, [0,0,1], '2pt+dotted')) # Blue 2pt pen dotted line
Asy.send(C5.asy_string(V1)) # C5 in default line style
Asy.shipout("fifth-test")  # request to output to a file for Jupyter visualisation
No description has been provided for this image

This gives a sufficient flexibility in visualising cycles, with further possibilities provided by other Asymptote commands.

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Cycles: circles, parabolas and hyperbolas

We already unified circles and lines in order to produce a Möbius-invariant family of objects. Equivalently, the equation of a circle \eqref{eq1} is particular case of a general quadratic equation \eqref{eq3}, which includes linear equations for $k=0$ as well. Next observation is that Möbius transformations are meaningful not only for circles, but for parabolas and hyperbola as well. Of course, we need to make few adjustments to accommodate all cases in one theory.

From now on we extend equation \eqref{eq3} to \begin{equation} k(u^2-\sigma v^2) - 2 l u - 2 n v + m =0, \tag{5}\label{eq5} \end{equation} where the parameter $\sigma$ takes values $-1$, $0$ and $1$. In particular, $\sigma = -1$ in \eqref{eq5} produces exactly \eqref{eq3}. The three values $\sigma$ are indicators of the following three cases.

Name Value of $\sigma$ Number systems $\mathbb{A}$ Imaginary unit $\iota^2 = \sigma$
elliptic case $-1$ complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$ $i^2=-1$
parabolic case $0$ dual numbers $\mathbb{D}$ $\varepsilon^2=0$
hyperbolic case $1$ double (or split-complex) numbers $\mathbb{O}$ $j^2=1$

In each case the set of numbers is parametrised by $\mathbb{R}^2$, so numbers has the form $u+\iota v$. The respective metric is given by the quadratic form: \begin{equation} -u^2+\sigma v^2=\begin{pmatrix}u&v \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}-1&0\\ 0&\sigma\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}u\\ v\end{pmatrix}. \tag{6}\label{eq6} \end{equation} The $2\times 2$ matrix on the right-hand side is exactly the matrix we need to define the type of cycles: elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic. Conceptually we need element of a respective Clifford algebra

In [12]:
sign = realsymbol('s', r'\sigma') # symbol to encode geometry
e=clifford_unit(mu,diag_matrix([sign])) # diagonal matrix to define the metric as in (6)
In [13]:
u = realsymbol('u') # the first coordinate of a point
v = realsymbol('v') # the second coordinate of the point
P = matrix([[u, v]]) # a point on the plane
C = cycle2D(k, [l, n], m, e) # the generic cycle depending on Clifford unit e and sign
Latex(f'${C.passing(P)}$') # the condition of C passing the point [u, v] 
$-2 n v- \sigma k v^{2}+ u^{2} k+m-2 l u==0$

The output is exactly equation \eqref{eq6} (up to the random order of terms). Möbius transformations are defined uniformly for all number systems as well: \begin{equation} \begin{pmatrix}a&b\\ c & d\end{pmatrix} : \ u + \iota v \ \mapsto \ \frac{a(u + \iota v) + b}{c(u + \iota v) + d}, \tag{7}\label{eq7} \end{equation} where $\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\ c & d\end{pmatrix}$ is an element of $SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ group. That means that all entries are real numbers and $ad-bc=1$.

The cornerstone result for the concept of cycle is:

Theorem. In all three cases, Möbius transformations \eqref{eq7} maps the locus of solution of an equation \eqref{eq6} with coefficient $(k, l, n, m)$ to the locus of solution of a similar equations with some other coefficients $(k', l', n', m')$.

A MoebInv proof of this Theorem is presented in Appendix. We will call the map (depending on $\sigma$) \begin{equation} (k, l, n, m) \mapsto (k', l', n', m') \tag{8}\label{eq8} \end{equation} from the previous Theorem by Möbius transformation of cycles. Its explicit expression can be found in Appendix and is not particularly simple. But it is easy to check that the map $\mathbb{R}^4 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^4$ \eqref{eq8} is linear and thus can be pulled to a map $P\mathbb{R}^3 \rightarrow P\mathbb{R}^3$.

Now we are ready to answer the question from the this notebook's title:

Definition. Cycles are points of the projective space $P\mathbb{R}^3$ with the associated Möbius transformations obtained from map \eqref{eq8} of $4$-vectors $(k, l, n, m)$.

Although equation \eqref{eq5} was an important steps towards the last definition, we shall not think on cycles as collections of points solving \eqref{eq5}: some cycles had only empty locus of solutions.

To illustrate the concept of cycles we will draw few cycles in their three appearances: elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic.

In [14]:
V = viewport(-3, -5, 15, 5)  # Set the larger default viewpoty
Asy.erase() # Erase the picture from the old drawings
Asy.size(600)  # Set the picture size
Asy.send(cycle2D(0, [0, 1], 0).asy_string(V)) # The real line
Asy.send(cycle2D(0, [1, 0], 0).asy_string(V)) # The vertical axis

C1 = cycle2D(1, [0, 0], 1, e) # This cycle does not have points in elliptic and parabolic cases
C2 = cycle2D(1, [5, -1.25], 5**2 + 1.25**2 - 1**2, e) # does not intersect the real axis r < |l|
C3 = cycle2D(1, [12, 1], 12**2+1**2-2**2, e) # intersects the real axis r > l
cycles = [C1, C2, C3]
styles = ["2pt + dotted", "1pt+dashed", "1pt"] # styles: C1-dotted, C2-dashed, C3-solid
for s in [-1, 0, 1]: # define elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic case
    for j in range(3): # chooses a cycle
        Asy.send(cycles[j].subs(sign == s).asy_string(V, [0, .7-0.35*(s+1), 0.4*(s+1)],  styles[j]))
Asy.shipout("same-cycles-eph") # Output the drawing
No description has been provided for this image

A reader can make several observations about relations between different faces of the same cycle in three geometries.

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Further Reading

Geometric properties of cycles are comprehensively encoded in the cycle product. It is the backbone to define cycle relations which allow us to build various figures.

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Appendix: MoebInv proof of the Theorem

Proof. The statement can be fully demonstrated by symbolic computations in MoebInv. First, for a given point $(u,v)$ we build a cycle passing it. This is done by subject_to() menthod:

In [15]:
Latex(f'Cycle C2=${C2}$ passes point $P={P}$: {bool(C2.passing(P))}')
Cycle C2=$(k, {\left(\begin{array}{cc}l&n\end{array}\right)}^{{symbol733} }, 2 n v+ \sigma k v^{2}- u^{2} k+2 l u)$ passes point $P=\left(\begin{array}{cc}u&v\end{array}\right)$: True

Now we define an element of $SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ and construct the conjugation of the cycle C2 by it

In [16]:
a = realsymbol('a')
b = realsymbol('b')
c = realsymbol('c')
d = realsymbol('d')
C3=C2.sl2_similarity(a, b, c, d, e)
Latex(f'The transformed cycle: C3=${C3}$')
The transformed cycle: C3=$(- c^{2} u^{2} k+ k d^{2}+2 n c^{2} v+2 l c d+2 l c^{2} u+ \sigma c^{2} k v^{2}, {\left(\begin{array}{cc}2 n c v a+ l d a- c u^{2} k a+ \sigma c k v^{2} a+2 l c u a+ b k d+ l b c& n d a- b n c\end{array}\right)}_{{symbol1299} }, 2 l b a- u^{2} k a^{2}+ \sigma k v^{2} a^{2}+2 n v a^{2}+2 l u a^{2}+ b^{2} k)$

This is the explicit form of the map \eqref{eq8}.

On the other hand we define the Mobius map of the point $P$:

In [17]:
$\left(\begin{array}{cc}\frac{ b d}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}+\frac{ c u^{2} a}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}+\frac{ b c u}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}+\frac{ u d a}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}-\frac{ \sigma c v^{2} a}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}&\frac{ d v a}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}-\frac{ b c v}{ c^{2} u^{2}+d^{2}- \sigma c^{2} v^{2}+2 c u d}\end{array}\right)$

The two last outputs are cumbersome, fortunately computer can make the final check for us. We only need to suggest that the $SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ substitution $a=(1+bc)/d$ shall be used for simplification.

In [18]:
print('Conjugated cycle C3 passes the Moebius image P1 of P: ' + \
      f'{C3.val(P1).subs({a : (1+b*c)/d}).normal().is_zero()}')
Conjugated cycle C3 passes the Moebius image P1 of P: True

This finishes the proof by a direct calculation.$\Box$

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  1. Vladimir V. Kisil. Starting with the group SL2(R). Notices Amer. Math. Soc., 54(11):1458–1465, 2007. arXiv:math/0607387, Zbl # 1137.22006.

  2. Vladimir V. Kisil. Geometry of Möbius Transformations: Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Actions of $SL_2(\mathbb{R})$. Imperial College Press, London, 2012. Includes a live DVD.

  3. Vladimir V. Kisil, MoebInv notebooks, 2019.

  4. I. M. Yaglom. A Simple Non-Euclidean Geometry and Its Physical Basis. Heidelberg Science Library. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979. Translated from the Russian by Abe Shenitzer, with the editorial assistance of Basil Gordon.