Start from the Basics

This folder contains Jupyter notebooks with pedestrian introductions of main objects of Lie-Möbius sphere geometry and MoebInv package.

See the top-level annotated Table of Contents.

To jump to execution of a notebook click its ⚙CoLab button at the end of description.


  1. V.V. Kisil, MoebInv: Symbolic, numeric and graphic manipulations in non-Eclidean geometry, SourceForge repository, 2004-2019.

  2. V.V. Kisil. Geometry of Möbius Transformations: Elliptic, Parabolic and Hyperbolic Actions of SL(2,R). Imperial College Press, London, 2012. Includes a live DVD.

  3. V.V. Kisil, MoebInv notebooks, 2019.

  4. V. V. Kisil. An extension of Mobius–Lie geometry with conformal ensembles of cycles and its implementation in a GiNaC library. Proc. Int. Geom. Cent., 11 (3):45–67, 2018. E-print: arXiv:1512.02960. Project page:

  5. V. V. Kisil. Möbius–Lie geometry and its extension. In I. M. Mladenov, G. Meng, and A. Yoshioka (eds.) Geometry, integrability and quantization XX, pages 13–61, Bulgar. Acad. Sci., Sofia, 2019. E-print: arXiv:1811.10499.

  6. V. V. Kisil. MoebInv: C++ libraries for manipulations in non-Euclidean geometry. SoftwareX, 11:100385, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.softx.2019.100385.