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4 Duality of Linear Spaces

  Everything has another side

Orthonormal basis allows to reduce any question on Hilbert space to a question on sequence of numbers. This is powerful but sometimes heavy technique. Sometime we need a smaller and faster tool to study questions which are represented by a single number, for example to demonstrate that two vectors are different it is enough to show that there is a unequal values of a single coordinate. In such cases linear functionals are just what we needed.

  –Is it functional?
–Yes, it works!

4.1 Dual space of a normed space

Definition 1 A linear functional on a vector space V is a linear mapping α: V→ ℂ (or α: V→ ℝ in the real case), i.e.
    α(ax+by)=aα(x)+bα(y),     for all   x,y∈ V  and   a,b∈ℂ.
Exercise 2 Show that α(0) is necessarily 0.

We will not consider any functionals but linear, thus below functional always means linear functional.

Example 3
  1. Let V=ℂn and ck, k=1,…,n be complex numbers. Then α((x1,…,xn))=c1x1+⋯+c2x2 is a linear functional.
  2. On C[0,1] a functional is given by α(f)=∫01 f(t) d t.
  3. On a Hilbert space H for any xH a functional αx is given by αx(y)=⟨ y,x.
Theorem 4 Let V be a normed space and α is a linear functional. The following are equivalent:
  1. α is continuous (at any point of V).
  2. α is continuous at point 0.
  3. sup{| α(x) |: ||x||≤ 1}< ∞, i.e. α is a bounded linear functional.
Proof. Implication 4(1)4(2) is trivial.

Show 4(2)4(3). By the definition of continuity: for any є>0 there exists δ>0 such that ||v||<δ implies | α(v)−α(0) |<є . Take є=1 then | α(δ x) |<1 for all x with norm less than 1 because ||δ x||< δ. But from linearity of α the inequality | α(δ x) |<1 implies | α(x) |<1/δ<∞ for all ||x||≤ 1.

4(3)4(1). Let mentioned supremum be M. For any x, yV such that xy vector (xy)/||xy|| has norm 1. Thus | α ((xy)/||xy||) |<M. By the linearity of α this implies that | α (x)−α(y) |<M||xy||. Thus α is continuous. □

Definition 5 The dual space X* of a normed space X is the set of continuous linear functionals on X. Define a norm on it by
= 1

.  (23)
Exercise 6
  1. Show that the chain of inequalities:
     ≤ 1

    x ≠ 0 

     ≤ ⎪⎪
    α ⎪⎪
    Deduce that any of the mentioned supremums deliver the norm of α. Which of them you will prefer if you need to show boundedness of α? Which of them is better to use if boundedness of α is given?
  2. Show that | α(x) |≤ ||α||·||x|| for all xX, α ∈ X*.

The important observations is that linear functionals form a normed space as follows:

Exercise 7
  1. Show that X* is a linear space with natural (point-wise) operations.
  2. Show that (23) defines a norm on X*.

Furthermeore, X* is always complete, regardless of properties of X!

Theorem 8 X* is a Banach space with the defined norm (even if X was incomplete).
Proof. Due to Exercise 7 we only need to show that X* is complete. Let (αn) be a Cauchy sequence in X*, then for any xX scalars αn(x) form a Cauchy sequence, since | αm(x)−αn(x) |≤||αm−αn||·||x||. Thus the sequence has a limit and we define α by α(x)=limn→∞αn(x). Clearly α is a linear functional on X. We should show that it is bounded and αn→ α. Given є>0 there exists N such that ||αn−αm||<є for all n, mN. If ||x||≤ 1 then | αn(x)−αm(x) |≤ є, let m→∞ then | αn(x)−α(x) |≤ є, so
+є≤ ⎪⎪
 + є,
i.e. ||α|| is finite and ||αn−α||≤ є, thus αn→α. □
Definition 9 The kernel of linear functional α, write kerα, is the set all vectors xX such that α(x)=0.
Exercise 10 Show that
  1. kerα is a subspace of X.
  2. If α≢0 then obviously kerα ≠ X. Furthermore, if X has at least two linearly independent vectors then kerα ≠ {0}, thus kerα is a proper subspace of X.
  3. If α is continuous then kerα is closed.

  Study one and get any other for free!

 Hilbert spaces sale

4.2 Self-duality of Hilbert space

Lemma 11 (Riesz–Fréchet) Let H be a Hilbert space and α a continuous linear functional on H, then there exists the unique yH such that α(x)=⟨ x,y for all xH. Also ||α||H*=||y||H.
Proof. Uniqueness: if ⟨ x,y ⟩=⟨ x,y′ ⟩ ⇔ ⟨ x,yy′ ⟩=0 for all xH then yy′ is self-orthogonal and thus is zero (Exercise 2(1)).

Existence: we may assume that α≢0 (otherwise take y=0), then M=kerα is a closed proper subspace of H. Since H=MM, there exists a non-zero zM, by scaling we could get α(z)=1. Then for any xH:

    x=(x−α(x)z)+α(x)z,     with x−α(x)z∈ M, α(x)z∈ M.

Because ⟨ x,z ⟩=α(x)⟨ z,z ⟩=α(x)||z||2 for any xH we set y=z/||z||2.

Equality of the norms ||α||H*=||y||H follows from the Cauchy–Bunyakovskii–Schwarz inequality in the form α(x)≤ ||x||·||y|| and the identity α(y/||y||)=||y||. □

Example 12 On L2[0,1] let α(f)=⟨ f,t2 ⟩=∫01 f(t)t2d t. Then



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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
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