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Introduction to Functional Analysis

Vladimir V. Kisil
School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

February 16, 2025

Abstract: This is lecture notes for several courses on Functional Analysis at School of Mathematics of University of Leeds. They are based on the notes of Dr. Matt Daws, Prof. Jonathan R. Partington, Dr. David Salinger, and Prof. Alex Strohmaier used in the previous years. Some sections are borrowed from the textbooks, which I used since being a student myself. However all misprints, omissions, and errors are only my responsibility. I am very grateful to numerous students (Filipa Soares de Almeida, Eric Borgnet, Pasc Gavruta, …—just mention few of them) for pointing out some of them. Please let me know if you find more.

The notes are available also for download in PDF.

The suggested textbooks are []. The other nice books with many interesting problems are [].

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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.