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0 Motivating Example: Fourier Series
0.1 Fourier series: basic notions
0.1.1 2π-periodic functions
0.1.2 Integrating the complex exponential function
0.2 The vibrating string
0.2.1 Separation of variables
0.2.2 Principle of Superposition
0.3 Historic: Joseph Fourier
1 Basics of Metric Spaces
1.1 Metric Spaces
1.1.1 Metric spaces: definition and examples
1.1.2 Open and closed sets
1.1.3 Convergence and continuity
1.2 Useful properties of metric spaces
1.2.1 Cauchy sequences and completeness
1.2.2 Compactness
2 Basics of Linear Spaces
2.1 Banach spaces (basic definitions only)
2.2 Hilbert spaces
2.3 Subspaces
2.4 Linear spans
3 Orthogonality
3.1 Orthogonal System in Hilbert Space
3.2 Bessel’s inequality
3.3 The Riesz–Fischer theorem
3.4 Construction of Orthonormal Sequences
3.5 Orthogonal complements
4 Duality of Linear Spaces
4.1 Dual space of a normed space
4.2 Self-duality of Hilbert space
5 Fourier Analysis
5.1 Fourier series
5.2 Fejér’s theorem
5.3 Parseval’s formula
5.4 Some Application of Fourier Series
6 Operators
6.1 Linear operators
6.2 Orthoprojections
) as a Banach space (and even algebra)
6.4 Adjoints
6.5 Hermitian, unitary and normal operators
7 Spectral Theory
7.1 The spectrum of an operator on a Hilbert space
7.2 The spectral radius formula
7.3 Spectrum of Special Operators
8 Compactness
8.1 Compact operators
8.2 Hilbert–Schmidt operators
9 Compact normal operators
9.1 Spectrum of normal operators
9.2 Compact normal operators
10 Integral equations
11 Banach and Normed Spaces
11.1 Normed spaces
11.2 Bounded linear operators
11.3 Dual Spaces
11.4 Hahn–Banach Theorem
) Spaces
12 Measure Theory
12.1 Basic Measure Theory
12.2 Extension of Measures
12.3 Complex-Valued Measures and Charges
12.4 Constructing Measures, Products
13 Integration
13.1 Measurable functions
13.2 Lebesgue Integral
13.3 Properties of the Lebesgue Integral
13.4 Integration on Product Measures
13.5 Absolute Continuity of Measures
14 Functional Spaces
14.1 Integrable Functions
14.2 Dense Subspaces in
14.3 Continuous functions
14.4 Riesz Representation Theorem
15 Fourier Transform
15.1 Convolutions on Commutative Groups
15.2 Characters of Commutative Groups
15.3 Fourier Transform on Commutative Groups
15.4 The Schwartz space of smooth rapidly decreasing functions
15.5 Fourier Integral
16 Advances of Metric Spaces
16.1 The Stone–Weierstrass Theorem
16.2 Contraction mappings and fixed point theorems
16.2.1 The Banach fixed point theorem
16.2.2 Applications of fixed point theory: The Picard-Lindelöf Theorem
16.2.3 Applications of fixed point theory: Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems
16.3 The Baire Category Theorem and Applications
16.3.1 The Baire’s Categories
16.3.2 Banach–Steinhaus Uniform Boundedness Principle
16.3.3 The open mapping theorem
16.3.4 The closed graph theorem
16.4 Semi-norms and locally convex topological vector spaces
A Tutorial Problems
A.1 Tutorial problems I
A.2 Tutorial problems II
A.3 Tutorial Problems III
A.4 Tutorial Problems IV
A.5 Tutorial Problems V
A.6 Tutorial Problems VI
A.7 Tutorial Problems VII
B Solutions of Tutorial Problems
B.1 Solution of Tuitorial Problem I
B.2 Solutions of Tutorial Problems II
B.3 Solutions of Tutorial Problems III
B.4 Solutions of Tutorial Problems IV
B.5 Solutions of Tutorial Problems V
B.6 Solutions of Tutorial Problems VI
B.7 Solutions of Tutorial Problems VII
C Course in the Nutshell
C.1 Some useful results and formulae (1)
C.2 Some useful results and formulae (2)
D Supplementary Sections
D.1 Reminder from Complex Analysis
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Last modified: February 16, 2025.