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9 Compact normal operators

Recall from Section 6.5 that an operator T is normal if TT*=T*T; Hermitian (T*=T) and unitary (T*=T−1) operators are normal.

9.1 Spectrum of normal operators

Theorem 1 Let TB(H) be a normal operator then
  1. kerT =kerT*, so ker(T−λ I) =ker (T*λI) for all λ∈ℂ
  2. Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal.
  3. ||T||=r(T).
  1. Obviously:
          x∈kerT⟨ Tx,Tx  ⟩=0 ⇔ ⟨ T*Tx,x  ⟩=0 
     ⟨ TT*x,x  ⟩=0 ⇔  ⟨ T*x,T*x  ⟩=0 
    The second part holds because normalities of T and T−λ I are equivalent.
  2. If Txx, Tyy then from the previous statement T* y =µy. If λ≠µ then the identity
          λ⟨ x,y  ⟩=⟨ Tx,y  ⟩ =⟨ x,T*y  ⟩=µ⟨ x,y  ⟩
    implies ⟨ x,y ⟩=0.
  3. Let S=T*T, then S is Hermitian (check!). Consequently, inequality
    2=⟨ Sx,Sx  ⟩=⟨ S2x,x  ⟩≤ ⎪⎪
    implies ||S||2≤ ||S2||. But the opposite inequality follows from the Theorem 12, thus we have the equality ||S2||=||S||2 and more generally by induction: ||S2m||=||S||2m for all m.

    Now we claim ||S||=||T||2. From Theorem 12 and 18 we get ||S||=||T*T||≤ ||T||2. On the other hand if ||x||=1 then

    ⟨ T*Tx,x  ⟩ 
    =⟨ Tx,Tx  ⟩=⎪⎪

    implies the opposite inequality ||S||≥||T||2. Only now we use normality of T to obtain (T2m)*T2m=(T*T)2m and get the equality

    2m =⎪⎪


    2m+1/2m+1 = ⎪⎪

    by the spectral radius formula (44).

Example 2 It is easy to see that normality is important in 1(3), indeed the non-normal operator T given by the matrix (
) in has one-point spectrum {0}, consequently r(T)=0 but ||T||=1.
Lemma 3 Let T be a compact normal operator then
  1. The set of of eigenvalues of T is either finite or a countable sequence tending to zero.
  2. All the eigenspaces, i.e. ker(T−λ I), are finite-dimensional for all λ≠ 0.
Remark 4 This Lemma is true for any compact operator, but we will not use that in our course.
  1. Let H0 be the closed linear span of eigenvectors of T. Then T restricted to H0 is a diagonal compact operator with the same set of eigenvalues λn as in H. Then λn→ 0 from Proposition 8 .
    Exercise 5 Use the proof of Proposition 8 to give a direct demonstration.
    Proof.[Solution] Or straightforwardly assume opposite: there exist an δ>0 and infinitely many eigenvalues λn such that | λn |>δ. By the previous Theorem there is an orthonormal sequence vn of corresponding eigenvectors T vnn vn. Now the sequence (vn) is bounded but its image T vnn en has no convergent subsequence because for any kl:
    λ kvk−λ lel⎪⎪
      =  (
    λ k
    2 + 
    δ ,
    i.e. T enk is not a Cauchy sequence, see Figure 16. □
  2. Similarly if H0=ker(T−λ I) is infinite dimensional, then restriction of T on H0 is λ I—which is non-compact by Proposition 8. Alternatively consider the infinite orthonormal sequence (vn), Tvnvn as in Exercise 5.
Lemma 6 Let T be a compact normal operator. Then all non-zero points λ∈ σ(T) are eigenvalues and there exists an eigenvalue of modulus ||T||.
Proof. Assume without lost of generality that T≠ 0. Let λ∈σ(T), without lost of generality (multiplying by a scalar) λ=1.

We claim that if 1 is not an eigenvalue then there exist δ>0 such that

≥ δ⎪⎪
. (51)

Otherwise there exists a sequence of vectors (xn) with unit norm such that (IT)xn→ 0. Then from the compactness of T for a subsequence (xnk) there is yH such that Txnky, then xny implying Ty=y and y≠ 0—i.e. y is eigenvector with eigenvalue 1.

Now we claim Im (IT) is closed, i.e. yIm(IT) implies yIm(IT). Indeed, if (IT)xny, then there is a subsequence (xnk) such that Txnkz implying xnky+z, then (IT)(z+y)=y by continuity of IT.

Finally IT is injective, i.e ker(IT)={0}, by (51). By the property 1(1), ker(IT*)={0} as well. But because always ker(IT*)=Im(IT) (by 19(2)) we got surjectivity, i.e. Im(IT)={0}, of IT. Thus (IT)−1 exists and is bounded because (51) implies ||y||>δ ||(IT)−1y||. Thus 1∉σ(T).

The existence of eigenvalue λ such that | λ |=||T|| follows from combination of Lemma 13 and Theorem 1(3). □

9.2 Compact normal operators

Theorem 7 (The spectral theorem for compact normal operators) Let T be a compact normal operator on a Hilbert space H. Then there exists an orthonormal sequence (en) of eigenvectors of T and corresponding eigenvalues n) such that:
 λn ⟨ x,en  ⟩ en,     for all x∈ H. (52)
If n) is an infinite sequence it tends to zero.

Conversely, if T is given by a formula (52) then it is compact and normal.

Proof. Suppose T≠ 0. Then by the previous Theorem there exists an eigenvalue λ1 such that | λ1 |=||T|| with corresponding eigenvector e1 of the unit norm. Let H1=Lin(e1). If xH1 then
⟨ Tx,e1  ⟩=⟨ x,T*e1  ⟩=⟨ x,λ1 e1  ⟩=λ1⟨ x,e1  ⟩=0, (53)
thus TxH1 and similarly T* xH1. Write T1=T|H1 which is again a normal compact operator with a norm does not exceeding ||T||. We could inductively repeat this procedure for T1 obtaining sequence of eigenvalues λ2, λ3, …with eigenvectors e2, e3, …. If Tn=0 for a finite n then theorem is already proved. Otherwise we have an infinite sequence λn→ 0. Let
 ⟨ x,ek  ⟩ek +yn  ⇒  ⎪⎪

⟨ x,ek  ⟩ 
2 +⎪⎪
2 ,    yn∈ Hn,
from Pythagoras’s theorem. Then ||yn||≤ ||x|| and ||T yn||≤ ||Tn||||yn||≤ | λn |||x||→ 0 by Lemma 3. Thus
    Tx =
n→ ∞

 ⟨ x,en  ⟩ Ten + Tyn

λn⟨ x,en  ⟩ en

Conversely, if T x = ∑1λnx,enen then

    ⟨ Tx,y  ⟩=
λn⟨ x,en  ⟩ ⟨ en,y  ⟩ =
⟨ x,en  ⟩ λn
⟨ y,en  ⟩

thus T* y = ∑1λny,enen. Then we got the normality of T: T*Tx=TT*x= ∑1| λn |2y,enen. Also T is compact because it is a uniform limit of the finite rank operators Tnx=∑1n λnx,enen. □

Corollary 8 Let T be a compact normal operator on a separable Hilbert space H, then there exists a orthonormal basis gk such that
λn⟨ x,gn  ⟩ gn,
and λn are eigenvalues of T including zeros.
Proof. Let (en) be the orthonormal sequence constructed in the proof of the previous Theorem. Then x is perpendicular to all en if and only if its in the kernel of T. Let (fn) be any orthonormal basis of kerT. Then the union of (en) and (fn) is the orthonormal basis (gn) we have looked for. □
Exercise 9 Finish all details in the above proof.
Corollary 10 (Singular value decomposition) If T is any compact operator on a separable Hilbert space then there exists orthonormal sequences (ek) and (fk) such that Tx=∑k µkx,ekfk where k) is a sequence of positive numbers such that µk→ 0 if it is an infinite sequence.
Proof. Operator T*T is compact and Hermitian (hence normal). From the previous Corollary there is an orthonormal basis (ek) such that T*T x= ∑n λnx,ekek for some positive λn=||T en||2. Let µn=||Ten|| and fn=Tenn. Then fn is an orthonormal sequence (check!) and
 ⟨ x,en  ⟩ Ten =
 ⟨ x,en  ⟩ µnfn.
Corollary 11 A bounded operator in a Hilber space is compact if and only if it is a uniform limit of the finite rank operators.
Proof. Sufficiency follows from 9.
Necessity: by the previous Corollary Tx =∑nx,en ⟩ µn fn thus T is a uniform limit of operators Tm x=∑n=1mx,en ⟩ µn fn which are of finite rank. □
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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
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