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7 Spectral Theory

  Beware of ghosts2 in this area!

As we saw operators could be added and multiplied each other, in some sense they behave like numbers, but are much more complicated. In this lecture we will associate to each operator a set of complex numbers which reflects certain (unfortunately not all) properties of this operator.

The analogy between operators and numbers become even more deeper since we could construct functions of operators (called functional calculus) in a way we build numeric functions. The most important functions of this sort is called resolvent (see Definition 5). The methods of analytical functions are very powerful in operator theory and students may wish to refresh their knowledge of complex analysis before this part.

7.1 The spectrum of an operator on a Hilbert space

An eigenvalue of operator TB(H) is a complex number λ such that there exists a nonzero xH, called eigenvector with property Txx, in other words x∈ker(T−λ I).

In finite dimensions T−λ I is invertible if and only if λ is not an eigenvalue. In infinite dimensions it is not the same: the right shift operator S is not invertible but 0 is not its eigenvalue because Sx=0 implies x=0 (check!).

Definition 1 The resolvent set ρ(T) of an operator T is the set
    ρ (T)={λ∈ℂ: T−λ I  is invertible}.
The spectrum of operator TB(H), denoted σ(T), is the complement of the resolvent set ρ(T):
    σ(T)={λ∈ℂ: T−λ I  is not invertible}.
Example 2 If H is finite dimensional the from previous discussion follows that σ(T) is the set of eigenvalues of T for any T.

Even this example demonstrates that spectrum does not provide a complete description for operator even in finite-dimensional case. For example, both operators in 2 given by matrices (


) and (


) have a single point spectrum {0}, however are rather different. The situation became even worst in the infinite dimensional spaces.

Theorem 3 The spectrum σ(T) of a bounded operator T is a nonempty compact (i.e. closed and bounded) subset of .

For the proof we will need several Lemmas.

Lemma 4 Let AB(H). If ||A||<1 then IA is invertible in B(H) and inverse is given by the Neumann series (C. Neumann, 1877):
Ak. (40)
Proof. Define the sequence of operators Bn=I+A+⋯+AN—the partial sums of the infinite series (40). It is a Cauchy sequence, indeed:
      (if  n<m)
for a large m. By the completeness of B(H) there is a limit, say B, of the sequence Bn. It is a simple algebra to check that (IA)Bn=Bn(IA)=IAn+1, passing to the limit in the norm topology, where An+1→ 0 and BnB we get:
    (IA)B=B(IA)=I  ⇔  B=(IA)−1. 
Definition 5 The resolventof an operator T is the operator valued function defined on the resolvent set by the formula:
R(λ,T)=(T−λ I)−1.         (41)
Corollary 6
  1. If | λ |>||T|| then λ∈ ρ(T), hence the spectrum is bounded.
  2. The resolvent set ρ(T) is open, i.e for any λ ∈ ρ(T) then there exist є>0 such that all µ with | λ−µ |<є are also in ρ(T), i.e. the resolvent set is open and the spectrum is closed.
Both statements together imply that the spectrum is compact.
  1. If | λ |>||T|| then ||λ−1T||<1 and the operator T−λ I=−λ(I−λ−1T) has the inverse
    R(λ,T)= (T−λ I)−1=−
    λk−1Tk.       (42)
    by the previous Lemma.
  2. Indeed:
          T−µ I=T−λ I + (λ−µ)I
     =(T−λ I)(I+(λ−µ)(T−λ I)−1).
    The last line is an invertible operator because T−λ I is invertible by the assumption and I+(λ−µ)(T−λ I)−1 is invertible by the previous Lemma, since ||(λ−µ)(T−λ I)−1||<1 if є<||(T−λ I)−1||.
Exercise 7
  1. Prove the first resolvent identity:
    R(λ,T)−R(µ,T)=(λ−µ)R(λ,T)R(µ,T) (43)
  2. Use the identity (43) to show that (T−µ I)−1→ (T−λ I)−1 as µ→ λ.
  3. Use the identity (43) to show that for z∈ρ(t) the complex derivative d/dz R(z,T) of the resolvent R(z,T) is well defined, i.e. the resolvent is an analytic function operator valued function of z.
Lemma 8 The spectrum is non-empty.
Proof. Let us assume the opposite, σ(T)=∅ then the resolvent function R(λ,T) is well defined for all λ∈ℂ. As could be seen from the von Neumann series (42) ||R(λ,T)||→ 0 as λ→ ∞. Thus for any vectors x, yH the function f(λ)=⟨ R(λ,T)x,y) ⟩ is analytic (see Exercise 7(3)) function tensing to zero at infinity. Then by the Liouville theorem from complex analysis R(λ,T)=0, which is impossible. Thus the spectrum is not empty. □
Proof.[Proof of Theorem 3] Spectrum is nonempty by Lemma 8 and compact by Corollary 6. □
Remark 9 Theorem 3 gives the maximal possible description of the spectrum, indeed any non-empty compact set could be a spectrum for some bounded operator, see Problem 23.

7.2 The spectral radius formula

The following definition is of interest.

Definition 10 The spectral radius of T is
: λ∈ σ(T)}.

From the Lemma 6(1) immediately follows that r(T)≤||T||. The more accurate estimation is given by the following theorem.

Theorem 11 For a bounded operator T we have
1/n. (44)

We start from the following general lemma:

Lemma 12 Let a sequence (an) of positive real numbers satisfies inequalities: 0≤ am+nam+an for all m and n. Then there is a limit limn→∞(an/n) and its equal to infn(an/n).
Proof. The statements follows from the observation that for any n and m=nk+l with 0≤ ln we have amkan+la1 thus, for big m we got am/man/n +la1/man/n+є. □
Proof.[Proof of Theorem 11] The existence of the limit limn→∞||Tn||1/n in (44) follows from the previous Lemma since by the Lemma 12 log||Tn+m||≤ log||Tn||+log||Tm||. Now we are using some results from the complex analysis. The Laurent series for the resolvent R(λ,T) in the neighbourhood of infinity is given by the von Neumann series (42). The radius of its convergence (which is equal, obviously, to r(T)) by the Hadamard theorem is exactly limn→∞||Tn||1/n. □
Corollary 13 There exists λ∈σ(T) such that | λ |=r(T).
Proof. Indeed, as its known from the complex analysis the boundary of the convergence circle of a Laurent (or Taylor) series contain a singular point, the singular point of the resolvent is obviously belongs to the spectrum. □
Example 14 Let us consider the left shift operator S*, for any λ∈ℂ such that | λ | <1 the vector (1,λ,λ23,…) is in l2 and is an eigenvector of S* with eigenvalue λ, so the open unit disk | λ |<1 belongs to σ(S*). On the other hand spectrum of S* belongs to the closed unit disk | λ |≤ 1 since r(S*)≤ ||S*||=1. Because spectrum is closed it should coincide with the closed unit disk, since the open unit disk is dense in it. Particularly 1∈σ(S*), but it is easy to see that 1 is not an eigenvalue of S*.
Proposition 15 For any TB(H) the spectrum of the adjoint operator is σ(T*)={λ: λ∈ σ(T)}.
Proof. If (T−λ I)V=V(T−λ I)=I the by taking adjoints V*(T*λI)=(T*λI)V*=I. So λ ∈ ρ(T) implies λ∈ρ(T*), using the property T**=T we could invert the implication and get the statement of proposition. □
Example 16 In continuation of Example 14 using the previous Proposition we conclude that σ(S) is also the closed unit disk, but S does not have eigenvalues at all!

7.3 Spectrum of Special Operators

Theorem 17
  1. If U is a unitary operator then σ(U)⊆ {| z |=1}.
  2. If T is Hermitian then σ(T)⊆ ℝ.
  1. If | λ |>1 then ||λ−1U||<1 and then λ IU=λ(I−λ−1U) is invertible, thus λ∉σ(U). If | λ |<1 then ||λ U*||<1 and then λ IU=UU*I) is invertible, thus λ∉σ(U). The remaining set is exactly {z:| z |=1}.
  2. Without lost of generality we could assume that ||T||<1, otherwise we could multiply T by a small real scalar. Let us consider the Cayley transform which maps real axis to the unit circle:
    Straightforward calculations show that U is unitary if T is Hermitian. Let us take λ∉ℝ and λ≠ −i (this case could be checked directly by Lemma 4). Then the Cayley transform µ=(λ−i)(λ+i)−1 of λ is not on the unit circle and thus the operator
          U−µ I=(TiI)(T+iI)−1−(λ−i)(λ+i)−1I= 2i(λ+i)−1(T−λ I)(T+iI)−1,
    is invertible, which implies invertibility of T−λ I. So λ∉ℝ.

The above reduction of a self-adjoint operator to a unitary one (it can be done on the opposite direction as well!) is an important tool which can be applied in other questions as well, e.g. in the following exercise.

Exercise 18
  1. Show that an operator U: f(t) ↦ eitf(t) on L2[0,2π] is unitary and has the entire unit circle {| z |=1} as its spectrum .
  2. Find a self-adjoint operator T with the entire real line as its spectrum.
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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
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