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A Tutorial Problems

These are tutorial problems intended for self-assessment of the course understanding.

A.1 Tutorial problems I

All spaces are complex, unless otherwise specified.

 1 Show that ||f||=|f(0)|+sup|f′(t)| defines a norm on C1[0,1], which is the space of (real) functions on [0,1] with continuous derivative.
 2 Show that the formula ⟨ (xn),(yn)⟩ =∑n=1xnyn/n2 defines an inner product on l, the space of bounded (complex) sequences. What norm does it produce?
 3 Use the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality for a suitable inner product to prove that for all fC[0,1] the inequality


≤ C

 |f(x)|2  dx


holds for some constant C>0 (independent of f) and find the smallest possible C that holds for all functions f (hint: consider the cases of equality).
 4 We define the following norm on l, the space of bounded complex sequences:
n ≥ 1
Show that this norm makes l into a Banach space (i.e., a complete normed space).
 5 Fix a vector (w1,…,wn) whose components are strictly positive real numbers, and define an inner product on n by
⟨ x,y ⟩ = 
Show that this makes n into a Hilbert space (i.e., a complete inner-product space).

A.2 Tutorial problems II

 6 Show that the supremum norm on C[0,1] isn’t given by an inner product, by finding a counterexample to the parallelogram law.
 7 In l2 let e1=(1,0,0,…), e2=(0,1,0,0,…), e3=(0,0,1,0,0,…), and so on. Show that Lin (e1,e2,…)=c00, and that CLin (e1,e2,…)=l2. What is CLin (e2,e3,…)?
 8 Let C[−1,1] have the standard L2 inner product, defined by
⟨ f, g⟩ = 
Show that the functions 1, t and t2−1/3 form an orthogonal (not orthonormal!) basis for the subspace P2 of polynomials of degree at most 2 and hence calculate the best L2-approximation of the function t4 by polynomials in P2.
 9 Define an inner product on C[0,1] by
⟨ f,g⟩=
Use the Gram–Schmidt process to find the first 2 terms of an orthonormal sequence formed by orthonormalising the sequence 1, t, t2, ….
 10 Consider the plane P in 4 (usual inner product) spanned by the vectors (1,1,0,0) and (1,0,0,−1). Find orthonormal bases for P and P, and verify directly that (P)=P.

A.3 Tutorial Problems III

 11 Let a and b be arbitrary real numbers with a < b. By using the fact that the functions 1/√einx, n ∈ ℤ, are orthonormal in L2[0,2π], together with the change of variable x=2π(ta)/(ba), find an orthonormal basis in L2[a,b] of the form en(t)=α ei n λ t, n ∈ ℤ, for suitable real constants α and λ.
 12 For which real values of α is
the Fourier series of a function in L2[−π,π]?
 13 Calculate the Fourier series of f(t)=et on [−π,π] and use Parseval’s identity to deduce that
 14 Using the fact that (en) is a complete orthonormal system in L2[−π,π], where en(t)=exp(int)/√, show that e0,s1,c1,s2,c2,… is a complete orthonormal system, where sn(t)=sinnt/√π and cn(t)= cosnt/√π. Show that every L2[−π,π] function f has a Fourier series
ancosnt + bn sinnt,
converging in the L2 sense, and give a formula for the coefficients.
 15 Let C(T) be the space of continuous (complex) functions on the circle  T={ z ∈ ℂ: |z|=1 } with the supremum norm. Show that, for any polynomial f(z) in C(T)

f(z)  dz=0.
Deduce that the function f(z)=z is not the uniform limit of polynomials on the circle (i.e., Weierstrass’s approximation theorem doesn’t hold in this form).

A.4 Tutorial Problems IV

 16 Define a linear functional on C[0,1] (continuous functions on [0,1]) by α(f)=f(1/2). Show that α is bounded if we give C[0,1] the supremum norm. Show that α is not bounded if we use the L2 norm, because we can find a sequence (fn) of continuous functions on [0,1] such that ||fn||2 ≤ 1, but fn(1/2) → ∞.
 17 The Hardy space H2 is the Hilbert space of all power series f(z)=∑n=0an zn, such that n=0|an|2 < ∞, where the inner product is given by


Show that the sequence 1, z, z2, z3, … is an orthonormal basis for H2.

Fix w with |w|<1 and define a linear functional on H2 by α(f)=f(w). Write down a formula for the function g(z) ∈ H2 such that α(f)=⟨ f, g. What is ||α||?

 18 The Volterra operator V: L2[0,1] → L2[0,1] is defined by
f(t)  dt.
Use the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to show that |(Vf)(x)| ≤ √x||f||2 (hint: write (Vf)(x)=⟨ f, Jx where Jx is a function that you can write down explicitly).

Deduce that ||Vf||22 ≤ 1/ 2||f||22, and hence ||V|| ≤ 1/√2.

 19 Find the adjoints of the following operators:
  1. A:l2l2, defined by A(x1,x2,…)=(0,x1 / 1, x2/ 2, x3/ 3, …);

    and, on a general Hilbert space H:

  2. The rank-one operator R, defined by Rx=⟨ x,yz, where y and z are fixed elements of H;
  3. The projection operator PM, defined by PM(m+n)=m, where mM and nM, and H=MM as usual.
 20 Let UB(H) be a unitary operator. Show that (Uen) is an orthonormal basis of H whenever (en) is.

Let l2(ℤ) denote the Hilbert space of two-sided sequences (an)n=−∞ with

|an|2 < ∞.

Show that the bilateral right shift, V:l2(ℤ) → l2(ℤ) defined by V((an))=(bn), where bn=an−1 for all n∈ ℤ, is unitary, whereas the usual right shift S on l2=l2(ℕ) is not unitary.

A.5 Tutorial Problems V

 21 Let fC[−π,π] and let Mf be the multiplication operator on L2(−π,π), given by (Mfg)(t)=f(t) g(t), for gL2(−π,π). Find a function f′ ∈ C[−π,π] such that Mf*=Mf.

Show that Mf is always a normal operator. When is it Hermitian? When is it unitary?

 22 Let T be any operator such that Tn=0 for some integer n (such operators are called nilpotent). Show that IT is invertible (hint: consider I+T+T2+…+Tn−1). Deduce that IT is invertible for any λ ≠ 0.

What is σ(T)? What is r(T)?

 23 Let n) be a fixed bounded sequence of complex numbers, and define an operator on l2 by T((xn))=((yn)), where ynnxn for each n. Recall that T is a bounded operator and ||T||=||(λn)||. Let Λ={λ12,…}. Prove the following:
  1. Each λk is an eigenvalue of T, and hence is in σ(T).
  2. If λ ∉Λ, then the inverse of T−λ I exists (and is bounded).

Deduce that σ(T)=Λ. Note, that then any non-empty compact set could be a spectrum of some bounden operator.

 24 Let S be an isomorphism between Hilbert spaces H and K, that is, S: HK is a linear bijection such that S and S−1 are bounded operators. Suppose that TB(H). Show that T and STS−1 have the same spectrum and the same eigenvalues (if any).
 25 Define an operator U: l2(ℤ) → L2(−π,π) by U((an))=∑n=−∞an eint/√. Show that U is a bijection and an isometry, i.e., that ||Ux||=||x|| for all xl2(ℤ).

Let V be the bilateral right shift on l2(ℤ), the unitary operator defined on Question 20. Let fL2(−π,π). Show that (UVU−1f)(t)=eitf(t), and hence, using Question 24, show that σ(V)=T, the unit circle, but that V has no eigenvalues.

A.6 Tutorial Problems VI

 26 Show that K(X) is a closed linear subspace of B(X), and that AT and TA are compact whenever TK(X) and AB(X). (This means that K(X) is a closed ideal of B(X).)
 27 Let A be a Hilbert–Schmidt operator, and let (en)n≥ 1 and (fm)m≥ 1 be orthonormal bases of A. By writing each Aen as Aen=∑m=1Aen, fmfm, show that
Deduce that the quantity ||A||HS2=∑n=1||Aen||2 is independent of the choice of orthonormal basis, and that ||A||HS=||A*||HS. (||A||HS is called the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of A.)
  1. Let TK(H) be a compact operator. Using Question 26, show that T*T and TT* are compact Hermitian operators.
  2. Let (en)n≥ 1 and (fn)n ≥ 1 be orthonormal bases of a Hilbert space H, let n)n ≥ 1 be any bounded complex sequence, and let TB(H) be an operator defined by
    αn ⟨ x, en ⟩ fn.
    Prove that T is Hilbert–Schmidt precisely when n) ∈ l2. Show that T is a compact operator if and only if αn → 0, and in this case write down spectral decompositions for the compact Hermitian operators T*T and TT*.
 29 Solve the Fredholm integral equation φ−λ Tφ=f, where f(x)=x and
xy2 φ(y)  dy    (φ ∈ L2(0,1)),
for small values of λ by means of the Neumann series.

For what values of λ does the series converge? Write down a solution which is valid for all λ apart from one exception. What is the exception?

 30 Suppose that h is a -periodic L2(−π,π) function with Fourier series n=−∞an eint. Show that each of the functions φk(y)=eiky, k ∈ ℤ, is an eigenvector of the integral operator T on L2(−π,π) defined by
h(xy) φ(y)  dy,
and calculate the corresponding eigenvalues.

Now let h(t)=−log(2(1−cost)). Assuming, without proof, that h(t) has the Fourier series n ∈ ℤ, n ≠ 0 eint/|n|, use the Hilbert–Schmidt method to solve the Fredholm equation φ−λ Tφ=f, where f(t) has Fourier series n=−∞cn eint and 1/λ ∉σ(T).

A.7 Tutorial Problems VII

 31 Use the Gram–Schmidt algorithm to find an orthonormal basis for the subspace X of L2(−1,1) spanned by the functions t, t2 and t4.

Hence find the best L2(−1,1) approximation of the constant function f(t)=1 by functions from X.

 32 For n=1,2,… let φn denote the linear functional on l2 defined by
where x=(x1,x2,…) ∈ l2. Use the Riesz–Fréchet theorem to calculate ||φn||.
 33 Let T be a bounded linear operator on a Hilbert space, and suppose that T=A+iB, where A and B are self-adjoint operators. Express T* in terms of A and B, and hence solve for A and B in terms of T and T*.

Deduce that every operator T can be written T=A+iB, where A and B are self-adjoint, in a unique way.

Show that T is normal if and only if AB=BA.

 34 Let Pn be the subspace of L2(−π,π) consisting of all polynomials of degree at most n, and let Tn be the subspace consisting of all trigonometric polynomials of the form f(t)=∑k=−nn ak eikt. Calculate the spectrum of the differentiation operator D, defined by (Df)(t)=f′(t), when
  1. D is regarded as an operator on Pn, and
  2. D is regarded as an operator on Tn.
Note that both Pn and Tn are finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces.

Show that Tn has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of D, whereas Pn does not.

 35 Use the Neumann series to solve the Volterra integral equation φ−λ Tφ=f in L2[0,1], where λ∈ ℂ, f(t)= 1 for all t, and (Tφ)(x)=∫0x t2φ(t)  d t. (You should be able to sum the infinite series.)
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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
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