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B Solutions of Tutorial Problems

0=0Solutions of the tutorial problems will be distributed due in time on the paper.


B.1 Solution of Tuitorial Problem I

 1 Clearly the norm is non-negative. If ||f||=0, then f is constantly zero (since then f(0)=0 and f′(t)=0 everywhere). Also
||λ f ||=|λ f(0)|+ sup|λ f′(t)| 
 =|λ| |f(0)|+|λ|sup|  f′(t)| =|λ| ||f||,
||f+g||=|f(0)+g(0)| +sup|f′(t)+g′(t)| 
 2 Clearly the sum is absolutely convergent (since ∑1/n2 < ∞), and checking the conditions:

y,x ⟩ = x,y,   ⟨λ x, y⟩ = λ ⟨ x,y,   x+y, z ⟩=⟨ x,z⟩ + ⟨ y,z,   and

x,x ⟩ > 0 except when x=0, when x,x⟩ =0 ,

is fairly straightforward algebra.

Also ||(xn)|| = ⟨(xn),(xn)⟩1/2 = (∑n=1|xn|2/n2)1/2.

 3 With the usual inner product f,g⟩=∫f ḡ d x, we have that |⟨ f,g⟩ | ≤ ||f|| ||g||, where g is the function g(x)=x. Now ||g||=1/√3 and this is the smallest possible constant C, since we do have g,g⟩ =||g|| ||g||.
 4 I’ll omit the proof that this is a norm (but if it gives any trouble, ask me). The proof of completeness is a bit like the l2 proof, only simpler. Suppose that (x(n)) is a Cauchy sequence in l. Then, for each coordinate k, |xk(n)xk(m)| ≤ ||x(n)x(m)||, and so (xk(n)) is a Cauchy sequence of complex numbers, converging to xk, say. Also |xk(n)xk(m)| < є for n and m greater than or equal to Nє, say. Letting m→∞ we get that |xk(n)xk| ≤ є for nNє, so (x(n)x) ∈ l and hence xl. Also ||x(n)x|| ≤ є for nNє, and so x(n)x.
 5 Clearly y, x⟩=∑k=1n wk yk xk = x,y, and the properties x+y, z⟩=⟨ x,z⟩ + ⟨ y, z and ⟨ λ x, y⟩ =λ ⟨ x, y are also straightforward to check. The norm produced is
||x||=⟨ x,x1/2=

wk |xk|2


which is strictly positive unless each xk is zero. For the completeness, note that a Cauchy sequence (x(m)) has the property that, for each є>0 there is a number Mє with ||x(m)x(p)||<є for m, pMє. That is,
wk |xk(m)xk(p)|22. (107)
Thus wk|xk(m)xk(p)|2 < є2, which is enough to show that in the kth coordinate we have a Cauchy sequence of complex numbers.

Define a vector x ∈ ℂn by xk=limm → ∞ xk(m) for each k. Now we have x(m)x, since

wk |xk(m)xk|2≤ є2,

for mMє, as we see on letting p → ∞ in (107).


B.2 Solutions of Tutorial Problems II

 6Lin(e1, e2, …) = c00 because a sequence is a finite linear combination of the ei if and only if it has finitely many nonzero terms. Taking the closure we get all of l2 since anything in l2 is the limit of a sequence in c00. This is so, because
||(x1, x2, …) − (x1, x2, …, xN, 0, 0, …)||2 = 
which tends to zero as N → ∞. Finally CLin(e2,e3,…) is the same except that we only get sequences whose first term is zero, i.e. we get {x=(xn) ∈ l2: x1 = 0}.
 7 Calculate ⟨ 1,t, ⟨ 1,t2−1/3⟩ and t,t2−1/3⟩: they are all zero. Clearly the set is a basis for P2. Normalise the functions, to get e1(t)=1/√2, e2(t)=t3/2 and e3(t)=√45/8(t2−1/3), an orthonormal sequence. It now follows that, writing f(t)=t4, the best approximation is
g(t)=⟨f,e1⟩ e1+⟨ f,e2⟩ e2+⟨ f,e3⟩ e3
 =(2/5)(1/2)+(0)t+(45/8)(16/105)(t2−1/3) = (−3/35)+(6/7)t2.
As a cross-check, note that fg is indeed orthogonal to g.
 8  ⟨ 1,1⟩ =2/3, so e1(t)=√3/2. Now form f(t)=t−⟨ t,e1e1=t−⟨ t,1⟩ (3/2)=t−3/5. Since f,f⟩ =8/175 we take e2(t)=√175/8(t−3/5).
 9 The Gram–Schmidt process gives e1=(1,1,0,0)/√2, then y2=(1,0,0,−1)−(1,1,0,0)/2=(1/2,−1/2,0,−1), and then e2=y2/||y2||=(1,−1,0,−2)/√6.

The plane P consists of all vectors orthogonal to (1,1,0,0) and (1,0,0,−1), and hence is

{(x,y,z,w)∈ ℂ4: x+y=0, xw=0},

with general solution (a,−a,b,a), and basis (1,−1,0,1) and (0,0,1,0), which are already orthogonal.

We can thus take e3=(1,−1,0,1)/√3 and e4=(0,0,1,0) as a basis for P.

Finally, (P) consists of all vectors orthogonal to (1,−1,0,1) and (0,0,1,0), namely

{(x,y,z,w)∈ ℂ4: xy+w=0, z=0},

to which the general solution is (−a+b,b,0,a), with basis (−1,0,0,1) and (1,1,0,0). We are clearly back at P.


B.3 Solutions of Tutorial Problems III

 10 The given change of variables
     or     t=a+
takes t∈ [a,b] to x ∈ [0,2π]. We know that


1 if   n=m, 
0 if   n ≠ m,
so we obtain

ein λ (ta) eim λ (ta)
2 π

1 if  n=m, 
0 if   n ≠ m,
where λ = 2π/(ba). Hence the functions en(t)=1 / √ba einλ t form an orthonormal set in L2[a,b]. They are even an orthonormal basis, since the same coordinate change shows that their closed linear span contains all fC[a,b] such that f(a)=f(b).
 11 By the Riesz–Fischer theorem, cnen converges to an L2 function iff ∑|cn|2 < ∞. Here cn=nα so we require n < ∞, i.e. α<−1/2.
 12 We calculate
⟨ f,en⟩ =
= (−1)n
Also, by Parseval’s identity
|⟨ f,en⟩ |2 = ||f||22 = 
e2tdt  = (e − e−2π)/2.
That is,
= π 
e − e−2π
which gives the result.
 13 To check that the sequence is orthonormal it is probably easiest to write
(enen)/2i    and    cn=
and use the orthonormality of (en) to calculate sn, sm, sn, cm and cn, cm.

Since exp(± int)=cos(ntisin(nt) and also cos(nt)=(exp(int)−exp(−int))/2 and sin(nt)=(exp(int)−exp(−int))/2i, the linear spans of (en) and {e0,s1,c1,s2,c2,…} are the same. Hence their closed linear spans are the same, so {e0,s1,c1,s2,c2,…} also forms an o.n.b.

As we have an orthonormal basis we have an expansion

f=⟨ f,e0⟩ e0 +
⟨ f,cn⟩ cn + 
⟨ f,sn⟩ sn

converging in L2. Hence

f(t)  dt,  an = (1/π) 
f(t) cosnt  dt and  bn = (1/π) 
f(t) sinnt  dt.
 14  Complex analysis method: Clearly there is a polynomial g such that f(z)=g′(z). By the fundamental theorem of the calculus, g′ = 0 because the contour is closed. Or you could use Cauchy’s theorem.

Direct method:

f(eiθ) ieiθd θ = 

   iei(k+1)θd θ=0,

where f(z)=∑k=0n akzk.



z  dz =

 (1/z)  dz = 

eiθieiθd θ= 2π i.

(Again, there are several ways of doing this, as above.) But if fnf uniformly then fn → ∫f, which is impossible if fn are polynomials and f(z)=z.


B.4 Solutions of Tutorial Problems IV

 15 Since |α(f)|=|f(1/2)|≤ sup[0,1]|f(x)|=||f||, we have that ||α|| ≤ 1 (actually it equals 1) when we use the supremum norm.

Suppose now we define fn (starting at n=2, say) to be zero except on

[1/2−1/n, 1/2+1/n],

piecewise linear on [1/2−1/n, 1/2] and [1/2, 1/2+1/n], with fn(1/2)=An, where An is a positive number that we’ll choose in a minute. (The graph is going to be a thin steep triangle.) Now ||fn||22 ≤ (2/n) × An2, since fn is zero except on a set of length 2/n and always at most An (we could work it out exactly, but why bother?) So if we choose An=√n/2 we get ||fn||2 ≤ 1, and α(fn)=An so α(fn) → ∞, which means that α is unbounded in the L2 norm.

 16 Clearly we get orthonormality—just compute zk, zl. The fact that it is an orthonormal basis (i.e., complete) follows since the only function orthogonal to every zk has all its coefficients zero, so is the 0 function.

Now α(∑anzn)=∑an wn, and this is an bn only if we take bn=wn for each n. Hence

nzn = 1 /(1−

Finally ||α||=||g||, so compute the H2 norm of g to get






 17 The function Jx must be χ[0,x], where

1 on   [0,x],
It has L2 norm equal to the square root of 0x 12d t, i.e., x. Hence
|(Vf)(x)| ≤ ||χ[0,x]||2   ||f||2 =

Now integrate


 |(Vf)(x)|2  dx ≤ 

x ||f||22   dx = 
 ||f||22,  as required.
 18 The strategy here is to solve the equation Ax, y⟩ = ⟨ x, A* y, etc.

(i) Ax, y ⟩=x1y2/1+x2y3/2+…. This must be x, A* y, and so

A*y=(y2/1, y3/2, y4/3, …).

(ii) Rx, u ⟩ = ⟨ x,y ⟩  ⟨ z, u⟩ = ⟨ x, R* u, where R* u = z, u y = ⟨ u, zy.

(iii) Let’s take two vectors m+n and m′+n, with m, m′∈ M and n, n′∈ M. Then

⟨ PM(m+n), m′+n′ ⟩ = ⟨ m, m′+n′⟩= ⟨ m,m′⟩.

This is the inner product m+n,m′⟩ so PM*(m′+n′)=m, which means that PM*=PM again.

 19 Clearly
⟨ Uen, Uem⟩=

1 if  m=n, 
0 if  m ≠ n,
since U preserves the inner product (see notes). Also, if x,Uen ⟩=0 for all n, then U*x, en ⟩=0 for all n, so U*x=0, because (en) is an o.n.b., and so x=0. Hence (Uen) is an o.n.b.

To show that the bilateral right shift V is unitary, you can check any of the equivalent definitions. It is perhaps easiest just to observe that V is clearly a surjection and that ||Vx||=||x|| for all x. Alternatively, you can check that V* is the bilateral left shift, i.e., V*=V−1, by using the identity

xnen , V*


xnen ,


xnen+1 , 


which tells you that

ymem =

We saw in the lectures that S is not unitary, since SS*I.


B.5 Solutions of Tutorial Problems V

 20 Use the definition of adjoint:
⟨ Mfg, h ⟩ = ⟨ g, Mf*h ⟩
for g, hL2(−π,π), which means that
⟨ g, Mf*h ⟩ =
f(t) g(t) 
This is the inner product between g and the function taking values f(t)h(t), so that Mf* g = Mfg, where f′(t)=f(t).

Clearly Mf Mf* g = Mf* Mf g, and is the function whose value at t is f(t) f(t) g(t).

Now Mf is Hermitian if and only if Mf=Mf*, or f=f. So f must be real-valued.

Also Mf is unitary if and only if Mf*=(Mf)−1, which means that f(t)f(t)=1 for all t, i.e. |f(t)|=1 for all t.

 21 Calculate: (I+T+…+Tn−1)(IT)=(IT)(I+T+…+Tn−1)=ITn=I. So we have an inverse for IT.

Of course T is also nilpotent, so IT is invertible, and so (multiplying by λ, which is nonzero), we have λ IT invertible, and λ ∉σ(T).

The spectrum is nonempty, so can only be {0}; indeed it’s obvious that T is not invertible when Tn=0. Hence r(T)=0 as well.

 22 (i) Since Tekk ek, where (en) is the usual orthonormal basis of l2, we see that λk is an eigenvalue, with eigenvector ek. Eigenvalues are always in the spectrum.

(ii) T−λ I takes (xn) to ((λn−λ)xn), and so its inverse must take (yn) to (yn/(λn−λ)). This is a bounded operator, since the sequence n−λ)−1 is bounded when λ ∉Λ.

Now σ(T) is a closed set. It contains Λ, so contains Λ. Indeed σ(T)=Λ, as it contains no points outside Λ, by (ii). Thus any nonempty compact set is the spectrum of some operator!

 23 Note that STS−1−λ I = S(T−λ I)S−1, and so STS−1−λ I is invertible if and only if T−λ I is invertible—indeed in that case its inverse would be S(T−λ I)−1S−1. Hence σ(T)=σ(STS−1).

Also, if Tuu, then STS−1 (Su)=STuSu, and Su ≠ 0 if u ≠ 0. Thus any eigenvector u of T corresponds to an eigenvector Su of STS−1, and vice-versa.

 24 The fact that U is a bijection and an isometry follows from the fact that the functions en(t)=eint/√, n ∈ ℤ form an orthonormal basis of L2(−π,π) (see notes), so that a function f is in L2(−π,π) if and only if f(t)=∑−∞an en, where (an) ∈ l2, and also ||f||2=||(an)||2 (Parseval).

Now UVU−1f= UVU−1n=−∞an en = ∑n=−∞an en+1, because V is the shift.

But if f(t)=∑n=−∞an en(t), then the function n=−∞an en+1(t) is just f(t)eit, since en(t)eit=en+1(t) for all t.

Now we work with the operator T=UVU−1 = Me on L2(−π,π), where e(t)=eit. Using Question 21, we see that this is a unitary operator and so σ(T) ⊆ T, but we can argue more directly.

The operator (T−λ I) is multiplication by eit−λ and its inverse, if it exists, is multiplication by hλ(t)=1/(eit−λ). For λ ∉T, hλC[−π,π] and so T−λ I has a bounded inverse. However, if λ ∈ T, then multiplication by hλ does not give a bounded operator (indeed, Mhλ e0=hλ/√, which is not even in L2). Hence σ(V)=σ(T)=T.

Also T has no eigenvalues, as, no matter which λ ∈ ℂ we choose, there will be no nonzero function f such that f(t)eitf(t) for all t. Hence V has no eigenvalues either, by Question 24.


B.6 Solutions of Tutorial Problems VI

 25 If T1 and T2 are compact, and (xn) is bounded, then we can find a subsequence (xn(k)) of (xn) such that (T1xn(k)) converges, and a further subsequence (xn(k(l))) such that both (T1xn(k(l))) and (T2xn(k(l))) converge. Then ((a1T1+a2T2)xn(k(l))) converges for any a1, a2 ∈ ℂ, so a1T1+a2T2 is compact. Since the norm limit of compact operators is compact, they form a closed subspace.

Given (xn) bounded, we can find a subsequence (xn(k)) such that (Txn(k)) converges, and hence so does (ATxn(k)), since A is continuous; hence AT is compact. Also (Axn) is bounded so there is a subsequence of (TAxn) that converges, and TA is compact.

 26  ∑n=1||Aen||2 = ∑n=1m=1|⟨ Aen, fm ⟩|2, since (fm) is an o.n.b. This equals
|⟨ en, A*fm ⟩|2,
or, summing over n first, m=1||A*fm||2, since (en) is also an o.n.b. Since the right hand side of the displayed formula doesn’t mention (en) it clearly makes no difference if we replace (en) by a different o.n.b. It is also clear that ||A||HS=||A*||HS as the LHS is just ||A||HS2 and the RHS is ||A*||HS2.
 27 (a) T*Tx,y⟩=⟨ Tx, Ty⟩=⟨ x,T*T y, so T*T is Hermitian.

Also TT*x,y⟩=⟨ T*x,T*y⟩ = ⟨ x,T**T*y⟩=⟨ x,TT*y, since T=T**, and hence TT* is Hermitian. Both are compact, since the product of a compact operator and a bounded operator is always compact (by Question 1).

(b) The point is that Tennfn, and so ∑||Ten||2 = ∑|αn|2< ∞ if and only if n) ∈ l2.

If αn → 0, then T is the limit of finite rank operators Tmx=∑n=1m αnx,enfn (cf. what we proved in the course about diagonal operators), and if αn ¬→0, then, for some δ>0, ||Ten(k)||=|αn(k)| ≥ δ, and (Ten(k)) has no convergent subsequence—again, see how we did this for diagonal operators.

⟨ Ten, fm ⟩ = ⟨ en, T*fm ⟩=

αn if  n=m, 
0 otherwise.

Hence T* maps fm to αmem, so T*x=∑m=1αmx,fmem.

This gives

αn ⟨ x,enT*fn=
n|2 ⟨ x,en⟩ en,


⟨ x,fmTem=
m|2⟨ x,fm⟩ fm.
 28 The Neumann series is
(I−λ T)−1=1+λ T + λ T2 + …,
valid for sufficiently small λ (e.g. |λ|  ||T|| < 1).

Taking f(x)=x, we find that (Tf)(x)=∫01 xy3dy=x/4, and in general (Tnf)(x)=x/4n.

The solution we obtain is φ=(1−λ T)−1f, which gives

φ(x)=x+λ x/4 + λ2x2/16 + …,

which converges to


at least for |λ| < 4. It is easily seen that this solution is valid for all λ ≠ 4.

 29 Calculate
h(xy) eikydy.
Make the change of variables t=xy to get

h(t)eik(xt)  dt = 2π akeikx,
using orthogonality and periodicity properties, so that φk is an eigenvector with eigenvalue ak.

Now T is a Hilbert–Schmidt operator with an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors, namely (ek)=(φk)/√. We can now work with either the (ek) or the k). If φ has Fourier series n=−∞dn eint, then φ−λ Tφ has Fourier series

dn(1−λ λn) eint,



0 if  n=0,
2π /|n|if n ≠ 0,

so the solution is

 1−λ λn

B.7 Solutions of Tutorial Problems VII

 30 Take e1=t/||t||, and ||t||2=∫−11 t2d t = 2/3, so e1(t)=√3/2t.

Let w2(t)=t2−⟨ t2,e1e1=t2, and normalize to get e2(t)=√5/2t2.

Let w3(t)=t4−⟨ t4,e1e1 − ⟨ t4,e2e2 = t4 − 0 − (2/7)(5/2)t2 = t4− 5t2/7. Now


 (t8−10t6/7+25t4/49)  dt= (2/9)−(20/49)+(10/49)= 8/441,

so we take e3(t)=(21/√8)(t4−5t2/7).

The best approximation in X to f is g=∑k=13f,ekek, giving

g(t)=0 + (2/3)(5/2)t2 + (−8/105)(441/8)(t4−5t2/7),

which reduces to g(t)=14t2/3−21t4/5.

As a check, note that fg is orthogonal to each of the functions t, t2 and t4.

 31 We see that φn(x)=⟨ x, un, where un=(1,1,…,1,0,0,…), with n nonzero terms. Now ||φn||=||un||=√n.
 32 To get the adjoint calculate
⟨ (A+iB)x,y⟩ = ⟨ Ax,y⟩ + i⟨ Bx,y⟩ = ⟨ x,Ay⟩ + i⟨ x,By⟩ = ⟨ x, (AiB)y ⟩,
so T*=AiB.

Now A=(T+T*)/2 and B=(TT*)/(2i) (very like the formulae for real and imaginary parts of a complex number).

Since these formulae do define self-adjoint operators A and B, it is clear that every operator T has a unique decomposition as T=A+iB.





so that T*TTT*=2i(ABBA), and T is normal if and only if AB=BA.

 33 All we need to do is look for eigenvalues, as the spaces are finite-dimensional.

(i) Dff is impossible unless λ=0, since the degree of Df is lower than the degree of f. So σ(D)={0}. Indeed Dn+1=0, so D is nilpotent, which also implies that its spectrum is {0}, see earlier examples sheets. The only eigenvectors in Pn are constant functions, so we do not get a basis of eigenvectors.

(ii) D(eikt)=ikeikt, so σ(D)={0,± i, ± 2i, …, ± ni}. Now D has (2n+1) distinct eigenvalues, and Tn has an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors, namely (eikt/√)k=−nn.

 34 We get φ=(I−λ T)−1f=fTf + λ2 T2 f + ….

Now Tf(x)=∫0x t2d t=x3/3, (T2f)(x)=∫0x (t5/3)  d t=x6/18, ….

In general (Tn f)(x)=x3n/(3n n!). Summing the series we find that

φ(x)=exp(λ x3/3),

and the series converges for all λ ∈ ℂ.

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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
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