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C Course in the Nutshell

C.1 Some useful results and formulae (1)

 1 A norm on a vector space, ||x||, satisfies ||x||≥ 0, ||x||=0 if and only if x=0, ||λ x||=|λ|  ||x||, and ||x+y|| ≤ ||x|| + ||y|| (triangle inequality). A norm defines a metric and a complete normed space is called a Banach space.
 2 An inner-product space is a vector space (usually complex) with a scalar product on it, x,y⟩ ∈ ℂ such that x,y⟩=y,x, ⟨ λ x,y⟩=λ⟨ x,y, x+y,z⟩ =⟨ x,z⟩ +⟨ y,z, x,x⟩ ≥ 0 and x,x⟩ =0 if and only if x=0. This defines a norm by ||x||2=⟨ x,x. A complete inner-product space is called a Hilbert space. A Hilbert space is automatically a Banach space.
 3 The Cauchy–Schwarz inequality. |⟨ x,y⟩ | ≤ ||x|| ||y|| with equality if and only if x and y are linearly dependent.
 4 Some examples of Hilbert spaces. (i) Euclidean n. (ii) l2, sequences (ak) with ||(ak)||22=∑|ak|2 < ∞. In both cases ⟨ (ak),(bk)⟩=∑akbk. (iii) L2[a,b], functions on [a,b] with ||f||22=∫ab |f(t)|2dt < ∞. Here f,g ⟩=∫ab f(t) g(t)d t. (iv) Any closed subspace of a Hilbert space.
 5 Other examples of Banach spaces. (i) Cb(X), continuous bounded functions on a topological space X. (ii) l(X), all bounded functions on a set X. The supremum norms on Cb(X) and l(X) make them into Banach spaces. (iii) Any closed subspace of a Banach space.
 6 On incomplete spaces. The inner-product (L2) norm on C[0,1] is incomplete. c00 (sequences eventually zero), with the l2 norm, is another incomplete i.p.s.
 7 The parallelogram identity. ||x+y||2 + ||xy||2 = 2||x||2 + 2||y||2 in an inner-product space. Not in general normed spaces.
 8 On subspaces. Complete =⇒ closed. The closure of a linear subspace is still a linear subspace. Lin (A) is the smallest subspace containing A and CLin (A) is its closure, the smallest closed subspace containing A.
 9From now on we work in inner-product spaces.
 10 The orthogonality. xy if x,y⟩ =0. An orthogonal sequence has en,em⟩ =0 for nm. If all the vectors have norm 1 it is an orthonormal sequence (o.n.s.), e.g. en=(0,…,0,1,0,0,…) ∈ l2 and en(t)=(1/√) eint in L2(−π,π).
 11Pythagoras’s theorem: if xy then ||x+y||2=||x||2+||y||2.
 12 The best approximation to x by a linear combination k=1nλkek is k=1nx,ekek if the ek are orthonormal. Note that x,ek is the Fourier coefficient of x w.r.t. ek.
 13Bessel’s inequality. ||x||2 ≥ ∑k=1n |⟨ x,ek⟩ |2 if e1,…,en is an o.n.s.
 14Riesz–Fischer theorem. For an o.n.s. (en) in a Hilbert space, ∑λn en converges if and only if ∑|λn|2 < ∞; then ||∑λn en ||2 = ∑|λn|2.
 15 A complete o.n.s. or orthonormal basis (o.n.b.) is an o.n.s. ( en) such that if y,en⟩ =0 for all n then y=0. In that case every vector is of the form ∑λn en as in the R-F theorem. Equivalently: the closed linear span of the (en) is the whole space.
 16Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization process. Start with x1, x2, … linearly independent. Construct e1, e2, … an o.n.s. by inductively setting yn+1=xn+1−∑k=1nxn+1,ekek and then normalizing en+1=yn+1/||yn+1||.
 17 On orthogonal complements. M is the set of all vectors orthogonal to everything in M. If M is a closed linear subspace of a Hilbert space H then H=MM. There is also a linear map, PM the projection from H onto M with kernel M.
 18Fourier series. Work in L2(−π,π) with o.n.s. en(t)=(1/√)eint. Let CP(−π,π) be the continuous periodic functions, which are dense in L2. For fCP(−π,π) write fm=∑n=−mmf,enen, m ≥ 0. We wish to show that ||fmf||2 → 0, i.e., that (en) is an o.n.b.
 19 The Fejér kernel. For fCP(−π,π) write Fm=(f0+…+fm)/(m+1). Then Fm(x)=(1/2π) ∫−ππf(t) Km(xt)  d t where Km(t)=(1/(m+1)) ∑k=0mn=−kk eint is the Fejér kernel. Also Km(t)=(1/(m+1)) [sin2 (m+1)t/2] / [sin2 t/2].
 20Fejér’s theorem. If fCP(−π,π) then its Fejér sums tend uniformly to f on [−π,π] and hence in L2 norm also. Hence CLin ((en)) ⊇ CP(−π,π) so must be all of L2(−π,π). Thus (en) is an o.n.b.
 21Corollary. If fL2(−π,π) then f(t)=∑cn eint with convergence in L2, where cn=(1/2π) ∫−ππf(t)eintd t.
 22Parseval’s formula. If f, gL2(−π,π) have Fourier series cn eint and dn eint then (1/2π)⟨ f,g⟩ = ∑cn dn.
 23Weierstrass approximation theorem. The polynomials are dense in C[a,b] for any a<b (in the supremum norm).

C.2 Some useful results and formulae (2)

 24 On dual spaces. A linear functional on a vector space X is a linear mapping α:X → ℂ (or to in the real case), i.e., α(ax+by)=aα(x)+bα(y). When X is a normed space, α is continuous if and only if it is bounded, i.e., sup{|α(x)|: ||x|| ≤ 1} < ∞. Then we define ||α|| to be this sup, and it is a norm on the space X* of bounded linear functionals, making X* into a Banach space.
 25Riesz–Fréchet theorem. If α:H → ℂ is a bounded linear functional on a Hilbert space H, then there is a unique yH such that α(x)=⟨ x,y for all xH; also ||α||=||y||.
 26 On linear operator. These are linear mappings T: XY, between normed spaces. Defining ||T||=sup{||T(x)||: ||x|| ≤ 1}, finite, makes the bounded (i.e., continuous) operators into a normed space, B(X,Y). When Y is complete, so is B(X,Y). We get ||Tx|| ≤ ||T||   ||x||, and, when we can compose operators, ||ST|| ≤ ||S||   ||T||. Write B(X) for B(X,X), and for TB(X), ||Tn|| ≤ ||T||n. Inverse S=T−1 when ST=TS=I.
 27 On adjoints. TB(H,K) determines T*B(K,H) such that Th, kK = ⟨ h, T*kH for all hH, kK. Also ||T*||=||T|| and T**=T.
 28 On unitary operator. Those UB(H) for which UU*=U*U=I. Equivalently, U is surjective and an isometry (and hence preserves the inner product).

Hermitian operator or self-adjoint operator. Those TB(H) such that T=T*.

On normal operator. Those TB(H) such that TT*=T*T (so including Hermitian and unitary operators).

 29 On spectrum. σ(T)={λ ∈ ℂ: (T−λ I) is not invertible in B(X)}. Includes all eigenvalues λ where Txx for some x ≠ 0, and often other things as well. On spectral radius: r(T)=sup{|λ|: λ∈ σ(T)}. Properties: σ(T) is closed, bounded and nonempty. Proof: based on the fact that (IA) is invertible for ||A|| < 1. This implies that r(T) ≤ ||T||.
 30 The spectral radius formula. r(T)=infn ≥ 1 ||Tn||1/n = limn → ∞ ||Tn||1/n.

Note that σ(Tn)={λn: λ ∈ σ(T)} and σ(T*)={λ: λ ∈ σ(T)}. The spectrum of a unitary operator is contained in {|z|=1}, and the spectrum of a self-adjoint operator is real (proof by Cayley transform: U=(TiI)(T+iI)−1 is unitary).

 31 On finite rank operator. TF(X,Y) if ImT is finite-dimensional.

On compact operator. TK(X,Y) if: whenever (xn) is bounded, then (Txn) has a convergent subsequence. Now F(X,Y) ⊆ K(X,Y) since bounded sequences in a finite-dimensional space have convergent subsequences (because when Z is f.d., Z is isomorphic to l2n, i.e., S:l2nZ with S, S−1 bounded). Also limits of compact operators are compact, which shows that a diagonal operator Tx=∑λnx,enen is compact iff λn → 0.

 32Hilbert–Schmidt operators. T is H–S when ∑ ||Ten||2 < ∞ for some o.n.b. (en). All such operators are compact—write them as a limit of finite rank operators Tk with Tkn=1anen=∑n=1k an (Ten). This class includes integral operators T: L2(a,b)→ L2(a,b) of the form
K(x,y) f(y) dy,
where K is continuous on [a,b] × [a,b].
 33 On spectral properties of normal operators. If T is normal, then (i) kerT=kerT*, so Txx =⇒ T*x=λx; (ii) eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal; (iii) ||T||=r(T).

If TB(H) is compact normal, then its set of eigenvalues is either finite or a sequence tending to zero. The eigenspaces are finite-dimensional, except possibly for λ=0. All nonzero points of the spectrum are eigenvalues.

 34 On spectral theorem for compact normal operators. There is an orthonormal sequence (ek) of eigenvectors of T, and eigenvalues k), such that Tx=∑k λkx,ekek. If k) is an infinite sequence, then it tends to 0. All operators of the above form are compact and normal.

Corollary. In the spectral theorem we can have the same formula with an orthonormal basis, adding in vectors from kerT.

 35 On general compact operators. We can write Tx=∑µkx, ekfk, where (ek) and (fk) are orthonormal sequences and k) is either a finite sequence or an infinite sequence tending to 0. Hence TB(H) is compact if and only if it is the norm limit of a sequence of finite-rank operators.
 36 On integral equations. Fredholm equations on L2(a,b) are Tφ=f or φ−λ Tφ=f, where (Tφ)(x)=∫ab K(x,y)φ(y) d y. Volterra equations similar, except that T is now defined by (Tφ)(x)=∫ax K(x,y)φ(y) d y.
 37Neumann series. (I−λ T)−1=1+λ T2 T2 + …, for ||λ T ||<1.

On separable kernel. K(x,y)=∑j=1n gj(x)hj(y). The image of T (and hence its eigenvectors for λ≠ 0) lies in the space spanned by g1,…,gn.

 38Hilbert–Schmidt theory. Suppose that KC([a,b]× [a,b]) and K(y,x)=K(x,y). Then (in the Fredholm case) T is a self-adjoint Hilbert–Schmidt operator and eigenvectors corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues are continuous functions. If λ≠ 0 and 1/λ ∉σ(T), the the solution of φ−λ Tφ=f is
⟨ f,vk ⟩
 39Fredholm alternative. Let T be compact and normal and λ≠ 0. Consider the equations (i) φ−λ Tφ=0 and (ii) φ−λ Tφ=f. Then EITHER (A) The only solution of (i) is φ=0 and (ii) has a unique solution for all f OR (B) (i) has nonzero solutions φ and (ii) can be solved if and only if f is orthogonal to every solution of (i).
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Last modified: February 16, 2025.
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