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Curriculum Vitae

Vladimir V. Kisil

This Vita is also available as a PDF file.

address:Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, England
phone: +44 113 343 5173    fax: +44 133 343 5090

Research:Experience in research work in complex and Clifford analysis, group convolutions and pseudodifferential operators on Lie groups and C*-algebras generated by them; harmonic and microlocal analysis; quantum mechanics and foundations of physics; interaction between harmonic analysis, physics, and combinatorics; foundation of geometry; mathematical simulation of natural and social processes; research software engineering.

EMPLOYMENT:2004 – nowReaderUniversity of Leeds
 1999 – 2004Research FellowUniversity of Leeds
1992 – 1998AssistantOdessa State University
 1996 – 1997PostDoc PositionGent University
 1993 – 1995Visiting ProfessorCINVESTAV del IPN (Mexico)
EDUCATION:1989 – 1992certificateOdessa State University,
   Postgraduate course
 1982 – 1989diplomaOdessa State University,
  with honorsDepartment of Mathematics
 1971 – 1982certificateSecondary (10-year) School
QUALIFICATION:1992Ph.D.Physics and Mathematics
   Teacher of Mathematics
LANGUAGES: Russian(mother tongue) 

PUBLICATIONS:One research monograph and more than 80 research publications in international editions. The List of Publications (in PDF version also) is enclosed.

2000 Spaces of Analytical Functions and Wavelets, Univ. of Coimbra, (Portugal)
2000Special Functions and Their Symmetries, Univ.of Leeds, (England)
2008Erlangen Programme at Large, Univ.of Leeds, (England)
2010Group Representations and Analytic Functions, Minsk, (Belarus)
2010–20Erlangen program in geometry and analysis: SL(2,ℝ) case study, EPSRC-funded distant learning PG course—MAGIC (England)
2011–21The Heisenberg group in mathematics and physics, EPSRC-funded distant learning PG course—MAGIC (England)
2016 Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna (Bulgaria)
2016Global Initiative for Academic Networks—GIAN, Kharagpur (India)
2018 Srödinger Group: a Survival Pack for Everyone, Varna (Bulgaria)
2004Alastair Brodlie, Relationships Between Quantum and Classical Mechanics using the Representation Theory of the Heisenberg Group.
2006Debapriya Biswas, thesis Geometry of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic homogeneous spaces using Clifford algebras and group representations
2012Abdelhamid Salem A El Mabrok, thesis Operators in complex analysis and the affine group
2014Souad Ahmed Ali Abumaryam, thesis Numerical and Symbolic Aspects of Harmonic Analysis
2016Amer Hassan A. Albargi, thesis Covariant Transforms on Locally Convex Spaces
2016Steven Trotter, thesis Involutive Algebras and Locally Compact Quantum Groups
2018Khawlah Ali Mustafa, thesis One-parameter Groups of Möbius Maps in Two-Dimensional Real Commutative Algebra
2018Richard Arthur James Whyman, thesis Characterising Computational Devices with Logical Systems
2019Fadhel Almalki, thesis Geometrical Dynamics by the Schrödinger Equation and Coherent States Transform
2019Amerah Alameer, thesis Singularities of Analytic Functions and Group Representations
2022Amjad Saleh M Alghamdi, thesis Representation Theory for the Group SL(2,ℝ)
2022Dale Richard Hodgson, thesis A contextual deterministic stochastic model for quantum mechanics
2023Taghreed Abdulghani Alqurashi, thesis Properties and Applications of the Semi-direct Product of the Heisenberg Group and the Affine Group
2023Fatimah Abdullah A Alabbad, thesis Decomposition of the unitary representation of SU(1,1) on the unit disk into irreducible components
2004Dr. Gong Yafang
2019Dr. Arash Ghaani Farashahi
MoebInvC++ libraries for symbolic, numeric and graphical manipulations in non-Euclidean geometry
YaglomInteractive Geometry Package for non-Euclidean geometry

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