The invariant cycle product, defined in the previous chapter, allows us to define joint invariants of two or more cycles. Being initially defined in an algebraic fashion, they also reveal their rich geometrical content. We will also see that FSCc matrices define reflections and inversions in cycles, which extend Möbius maps.
According to the categorical viewpoint, the internal properties of objects are of minor importance in comparison with their relations to other objects from the same class. Such a projection of internal properties into external relations was also discussed at the beginning of Section 4.2. As a further illustration, we may give the proof of Theorem 13, outlined below. Thus, we will now look for invariant relations between two or more cycles.
After we defined the invariant cycle product (3), the next standard move is to use the analogy with Euclidean and Hilbert spaces and give the following definition:
⟨ Cσcs,S σcs ⟩=0. (1) |
Here are the most fundamental properties of cycle orthogonality:
2σcn′n−2l′l+k′m+m′k=0. (2) |
(u−u′)2−σ(v−v′)2−2(σ−σc)vv′−r2−r′2=0. (3) |
The last item can be reformulated as follows: For circles, their e-orthogonality as vectors in the cycle spaces ℙ3 with the cycle product (3) coincides with their orthogonality as geometrical sets in the point space ℝe. This is very strong support for FSCc and the cycle product (3) defined from it. Thereafter, it is tempting to find similar interpretations for other types of orthogonality. The next exercise performs the first step for the case of σ-orthogonality in the matching point space ℝσ.
S1 S2=σ. (4) |
The stated geometrical conditions for orthogonality of cycles are not only necessary but are sufficient as well.
We found geometrically necessary and sufficient conditions for σ-orthogonality in the matching point space ℝσ. The remaining six non-matching cases will be reduced to this in Section 6.3 using an auxiliary ghost cycle. However, it will be useful to study some more properties of orthogonality.
The explicit formulae (2) and (3) allow us to obtain several simple and yet useful conclusions.
k(u2 − σ v2) − 2⟨ (l,n),(u, σc v) ⟩+m =0. (5) |
For σc= 0, the set (Cσcs⊥)⊥ is the pencil spanned by Cσcs and the real line. In particular, if Cσcs has real roots, then all cycles in (Cσcs⊥)⊥ have these roots.
The connection between orthogonality and incidence from Exercise 4 allows us to combine the techniques of zero-radius cycles and orthogonality in an efficient tool.
Proof.[Sketch of an alternative proof of Theorem 13] We already mentioned in Subsection 4.4.1 that the validity of Theorem 13 for a zero-radius cycle (11)
Zσcs= |
| = |
with the centre z=x+i y is a straightforward calculation—see also Exercise 5. This implies the result for a generic cycle with the help of
The idea of such a proof is borrowed from [65] and details can be found therein.
The above demonstration suggests a generic technique for extrapolation of results from zero-radius cycles to the entire cycle space. We will formulate it with the help of a map Q from the cycle space to conics in the point space from Definition 10.
Q Tσ= T Q. (6) |
Proof. If T preserves orthogonality (i.e. the cycle product (3) and, consequently, the determinant, see (9)) then the image TZσcs(u,v) of a zero-radius cycle Zσcs(u,v) is again a zero-radius cycle Zσcs(u1,v1). Thus we can define Tσ by the identity Tσ: (u,v)↦ (u1,v1).
To prove the intertwining property (6) we need to show that, if a cycle Cσcs passes through (u,v), then the image TCσcs passes through Tσ(u,v). However, for σ≠ 0, this is a consequence of the T-invariance of orthogonality and the expression of the point-to-cycle incidence through orthogonality from Exercise 4.
We defined orthogonality from an inner product, which is linear in each component. Thus, orthogonality also respects linearity.
Exercise 2 describes two orthogonal pencils such that each cycle in one pencil is orthogonal to every cycle in the second. In terms of indefinite linear algebra, see [113]*§ 2.2, we are speaking about the orthogonal complement of a two-dimensional subspace in a four-dimensional space and it turns out to be two-dimensional as well. For circles, this construction is well known, see [71]*§ 5.7 [37]*§ 10.10. An illustration for three cases is provided by Fig. 6.2. The reader may wish to experiment more with orthogonal complements to various parabolic and hyperbolic pencils—see Fig. 5.1 and Exercise 9.
Such orthogonal pencils naturally appear in many circumstances and we already met them on several occasions. We know from Exercise 3 and 4 that K-orbits and transverse lines make coaxial pencils which turn to be in a relation:
The following general statement about pencils and orthogonality is an abstract generalisation of the well-known result on a triangle’s orthocenter.
We may describe a finer structure of the cycle space through Möbius-invariant subclasses of cycles. Three such families—zero-radius, positive and negative cycles—were already considered in Sections 5.3 and 5.4. They were defined using the properties of the cycle product with itself. Another important class of cycles is given by the value of its cycle product with the real line.
The following algebraic properties of selfadjoint cycles easily follow from the definition.
From these analytic conditions, we can derive a geometric characterisation of selfadjoint cycles.
Notably, selfadjoint cycles in the parabolic point space were labelled as “parabolic circles” by Yaglom—see [339]*§ 7. On the other hand, Yaglom used the term “parabolic cycle” for our p-cycle with non-zero k and n.
Cσcs=HCσcs+nRσcs, where HCσcs=(k,l,0,m). (7) |
g·Cσcs=g· HCσcs+nRσcs. |
We are now equipped to consider the geometrical meaning of all nine types of cycle orthogonality.
For the case of σcσ=1, i.e. when geometries of the cycle and point spaces are both either elliptic or hyperbolic, σc-orthogonality can be expressed locally through tangents to cycles at the intersection points—see Exercise 3(A). A semi-local condition also exists: the tangent to one cycle at the intersection point passes the centre of the second cycle—see Exercise 3(C). We may note that, in the pure parabolic case σ=σc=0, the geometric orthogonality condition from Exercise 3(p) can be restated with help from Exercise 1 as follows:
Hint: In order to reformulate Exercise 3(p) to the present form, it is enough to use Exercises 14(p) and 3. ⋄
The three cases with matching geometries in point and cycle spaces are now quite well unified. Would it be possible to extend such a geometric interpretation of orthogonality to the remaining six (=9−3) cases?
Figure 6.3: Three types of orthogonality in the three types of the point space. Each picture presents two groups (green and blue) of cycles which are orthogonal to the red cycle Cσcs. Point b belongs to Cσcs and the family of blue cycles passing through b also intersects at the point d, which is the inverse of b in Cσcs. Any orthogonality is reduced to the usual orthogonality with a new (“ghost”) cycle (shown by the dashed line), which may or may not coincide with Cσcs. For any point a on the “ghost” cycle, the orthogonality is reduced to the semi-local notion in the terms of tangent lines at the intersection point. Consequently, such a point a is always the inverse of itself.
Elliptic realisations (in the point space) of Definition 1, i.e. σ=−1, were shown in Fig. 1.7 and form the first row in Fig. 6.3. The left picture in this row corresponds to the elliptic cycle space, e.g. σc=−1. The orthogonality between the red circle and any circle from the blue or green families is given in the usual Euclidean sense described in Exercise 3(e,h). In other words, we can decide on the orthogonality of circles by observing the angles between their tangents at the arbitrary small neighbourhood of the intersection point. Therefore, all circles from either the green or blue families, which are orthogonal to the red circle, have common tangents at points a and b respectively.
The central (parabolic in the cycle space) and the right (hyperbolic) pictures show the the non-local nature of orthogonality if σ≠σc. The blue family has the intersection point b with the red circle, and tangents to blue circles at b are different. However, we may observe that all of them pass the second point d. This property will be used in Section 6.5 to define the inversion in a cycle. A further investigation of Fig. 6.3 reveals that circles from the green family have a common tangent at point a, however this point does not belong to the red circle. Moreover, in line with the geometric interpretation from Exercise 3(C), the common tangent to the green family at a passes the p-centre (on the central parabolic drawing) or h-centre (on the right hyperbolic drawing).
There are analogous pictures in parabolic and hyperbolic point spaces as well and they are presented in the second and third rows of Fig. 6.3. The behaviour of green and blue families of cycles at point a, b and d is similar up to the obvious modification: the EPH case of the point space coincides with EPH case of the cycle spaces in the central drawing of the second row and the right drawing of the third row.
Therefore, we will clarify the nature of orthogonality if the locus of such points a with tangents passing the other cycle’s σc-centre are described. We are going to demonstrate that this locus is a cycle, which we shall call a “ghost”. The ghost cycle is shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 6.3. To give an analytic description, we need the Heaviside function χ(σ):
χ(t)= | ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ |
| (8) |
More specifically, we note the relations χ(σ)=σ if σ=±1 and χ(σ)=1 if σ=0. Thus, the Heaviside function will be used to avoid the degeneracy of the parabolic case.
The significance of the ghost cycle is that the σc-orthogonality between two cycles in ℝσ is reduced to σ-orthogonality to the ghost cycle.
Proof. The statement 1 can be shown by algebraic manipulation, possibly in CAS. Then, the non-parabolic case 2(a) follows from the first part 1, which reduces non-matching orthogonality to a matching one with the ghost cycle, and the geometric description of matching orthogonality from Exercise 3. Therefore, we only need to provide a new calculation for the parabolic case 2(b). Note that, in the case σ=σc=0, there is no disagreement between the first and second parts of the proposition since HCσc=S σc due to 3.
Consideration of ghost cycles does present orthogonality in
geometric term, but it hides the symmetry of this relation. Indeed,
it is not obvious that S
σcs relates to the ghost
of Cσcs in the same way as Cσcs relates to
the ghost of S
Finally, we note that Proposition 19 expresses σc-orthogonality through the σc-centre of cycles. It illustrates the meaningfulness of various centres within our approach which may not be so obvious at the beginning.
Definition 11 associates a 2× 2-matrix to any cycle. These matrices can be treated analogously to elements of SL2(ℝ) in many respects. Similar to the SL2(ℝ) action (4), we can consider a fraction-linear transformation on the point space ℝσ defined by a cycle and its FSCc matrix
Cσs: w ↦ Cσs(w) = |
| , (9) |
where Cσs is, as usual (5),
Cσs = |
| and w=u + ι v, σ=ι2. |
We can also extend the conjugated action (7) on the cycle space from SL2(ℝ) to cycles. Indeed, a cycle S σcs in the matrix form acts on another cycle Cσcs by the σc-similarity
S σcs1: Cσcs ↦ −S σcs1 |
| S σcs1. (10) |
The similarity can be considered as a transformation of the cycle space ℙ3 to itself due to the following result.
e1 | 0 |
0 | −e1 |
A comparison of Exercises 21 and 22 suggests that there is a connection between two actions (9) and (10) of cycles, which is similar to the relation SL2(ℝ) actions on points and cycles from Lemma 20.
⟨ G σcs,G σcs ⟩= ⟨ Cσcs,G σcs ⟩ (detS σcs)2. |
G σcs |
| = −S σcs1Cσcs |
| · det S σcs. |
Figure 6.4: Three types of inversions of the rectangular grid. The initial rectangular grid (a) is inverted elliptically in the unit circle (shown in red) in (b), parabolically in (c) and hyperbolically in (d). The blue cycle (collapsed to a point at the origin in (b)) represent the image of the cycle at infinity under inversion.
Several demonstrations of inversion are provided in Fig. 6.4. The initial setup is shown in Fig. 6.4(a)—the red unit circle and the grid of horizontal (green) and vertical (blue) straight lines. It is very convenient in this case that the grid is formed by two orthogonal pencils of cycles, which can be considered to be of any EPH type. Figure 6.4(b) shows e-inversion of the grid in the unit circle, which is, of course, the locus of fixed points. Straight lines of the rectangular grid are transformed to circles, but orthogonality between them is preserved—see Exercise 1.
Similarly, Fig. 6.4(c) presents the result of p-inversion in the degenerated parabolic cycle u2−1=0. This time the grid is mapped to two orthogonal pencils of parabolas and vertical lines. Incidentally, due to the known optical illusion, we perceive these vertical straight lines as being bent.
Finally, Fig. 6.4(d) demonstrates h-inversion in the unit hyperbola u2−v2−1=0. We again obtained two pencils of orthogonal hyperbolas. The bold blue cycles—the dot at the origin in (b), vertical line in (c) and two lines (the light cone) in (d)—will be explained in Section 8.1. Further details are provided by the following exercise.
The similarity with the cycle (1,0,0,−1) sends a cycle (k,l,n,m) to (m,l,n,k). In particular, the image of the grid are cycles (m,0,1,0) and (m,1,0,0).
We conclude this section by an observation that cycle similarity is similar to a mirror reflection, which preserves the directions of vectors parallel to the mirror and reverses vectors which are orthogonal.
As we will see in the next section, these orthogonal reflections in the cycle space correspond to “bent” reflections in the point space.
The maps in point and cycle spaces considered in the previous section were introduced from the action of FSCc matrices of cycles. They can also be approached from the more geometrical viewpoint. There are at least two natural ways to define an inversion in a cycle:
We can formalise the above observations as follows.
We are going to see that inversions are given by (9) and reflections are expressed through (10), thus they are essentially the same for EH cases in light of Exercise 1. However, some facts are easier to establish using the inversion and others in terms of reflection. Thus, it is advantageous to keep both notions. Since we have three different EPH orthogonalities between cycles for every type of point space, there are also three different inversions in each of them.
u2+ι v2 =Cσσc(u1−ι v1 )= |
| (u1−ι v1). (11) |
Note the interplay between parameters σ and σc in the above statement 1. Although we are speaking about σc-orthogonality, we take the Möbius transformation (11) with the imaginary unit ι such that ι2=σ (as the signature of the point space). On the other hand, the value σc is used there as the s-parameter for the cycle Cσσc.
Proof. Let a cycle S σcs have the property S σcs Cσcs S σcs = Rσcs, where Rσcs is the cycle representing the real line. Then, S σcs Rσcs S σcs = Cσcs, since S σcsS σcs= S σcsS σcs = −det S σcsI. The mirror reflection in the real line is given by the similarity with Rσcs, therefore the transformation described in 2 is a similarity with the cycle S σcs Rσcs S σcs = Cσcs and, thus, coincides with (11).
The auxiliary cycle S σcs from the above proof of Prop. 29 is of separate interest and can be characterised in the elliptic and hyperbolic cases as follows.
Inversions are helpful for transforming pencils of cycles to the simplest possible form.
A classical source of the above result in inversive geometry [71]*Thm. 5.71 tells that an inversion can convert any pair of non-intersecting circles to concentric ones. This is due to the fact that an orthogonal pencil to the pencil generated by two non-intersecting circles always passes two special points—see Exercise 3 for further development.
Finally, we compare our consideration for the parabolic point space with Yaglom’s book. The Möbius transformation (9) and the respective inversion illustrated by Fig. 6.4(c) essentially coincide with the inversion of the first kind from [339]*§ 10. Yaglom also introduces the inversion of the second kind, see [339]*§ 10. For a parabola v=k(u−l)2+m, he defined the map of the parabolic point space to be
(u,v) ↦ (u, 2(k(u−l)2+m)−v), (12) |
i.e. the parabola bisects the vertical line joining a point and its image. There are also other geometric characterisations of this map in [339], which make it very similar to the Euclidean inversion in a circle. Here is the resulting expression of this transformation through the usual inversion in parabolas:
Möbius transformations (9) and similarity (12) with FSCc matrices map cycles to cycles just like matrices from SL2(ℝ) do. It is natural to ask for a general type of matrices sharing this property. For this, see works [65, 100, 289] which deal with more general elliptic and hyperbolic (but not parabolic) cases. It is beyond the scope of our consideration since it derails from the geometry of SL2(ℝ). We only mention the rôle of the Vahlen condition, CσcsCσcs= −det(Cσcs) I, used in Exercise 1.
Considering Möbius action (1), there is no need to be restricted to joint invariants of two cycles and a bilinear form. Indeed, for any polynomial p(x1,x2,…,xn) of several non-commuting variables, one may define an invariant joint disposition of n cycles jCσcs by the condition
trp(1Cσcs, 2Cσcs, …, nCσcs)=0, (13) |
where the polynomial of FSCc matrices is defined through standard matrix algebra. To create a Möbius invariant which is not affected by the projectivity in the cycle space we can either
Furthermore, for any two polynomials p(x1,x2,…,xn) and q(x1,x2,…,xn) such that for each variable xi the orders of homogeneity of p and q are equal, the value
is a Möbius invariant. The simplest and yet most important realisation of this concept is the cycles cross ratio in § 12.3
Let us construct some lower-order realisations of (13). In order to be essentially different from the previously considered orthogonality, such invariants may either contain non-linear powers of the same cycle, or accommodate more than two cycles. In this respect, consideration of higher-order invariants is similar to a transition from Riemannian to Finsler geometry [62, 107]. The latter is based on the replacement of the quadratic line element gij dxi dxj in the tangent space by a more complicated function.
A further observation is that we can simultaneously study several invariants of various orders and link one to another by some operations. There are some standard procedures changing orders of invariants working in both directions:
Consider both operations as an example. We already know that a similarity of a cycle with another cycle produces a new cycle. The cycle product of the latter with a third cycle creates a joint invariant of these three cycles
⟨ 1Cσcs 2Cσcs 1Cσcs,3Cσcs ⟩, (14) |
which is built from the second-order invariant ⟨ ·,· ⟩. Now we can reduce the order of this invariant by fixing 3Cσcs to be the real line, since it is SL2(ℝ)-invariant. This invariant deserves special consideration. Its geometrical meaning is connected to the matrix similarity of cycles (10) (inversion in cycles) and orthogonality.
⟨ S σcs |
| S σcs,Rσcs ⟩= tr(S σcs |
| S σcsRσcs)=0. (15) |
However, an invariance of f-orthogonality under inversion of cycles required some study since, in general, the real line is not invariant under such transformations.
(2 s s1 σc k n, 2 s s1 σc l n, −det(Cσcs1), 2 s s1 σc m n). |
l | −m |
k | −l |
The following explicit expressions of f-orthogonality reveal further connections with cycles’ invariants.
The f-orthogonality may again be related to the usual orthogonality through an appropriately chosen f-ghost cycle, cf. Proposition 19:
Figure 6.5: Focal orthogonality of cycles. In order to highlight both the similarities and distinctions with the ordinary orthogonality, we use the same notations as in Fig. 6.3.
Note the above intriguing interplay between the cycle’s centres and foci. It also explains our choice of name for focal orthogonality, cf. Definition 1. f-Orthogonality and the respective f-ghost cycles are presented in Fig. 6.5, which uses the same outline and legend as Fig. 6.3.
The definition of f-orthogonality may look rather extravagant at first glance. However, it will find new support when we again consider lengths and distances in the next chapter. It will also be useful for infinitesimal cycles, cf. Section 7.5.
Of course, it is possible and meaningful to define other interesting higher-order joint invariants of two or even more cycles.
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