So far, we have discussed only invariants like orthogonality, which are related to angles. However, geometry, in the plain meaning of the word, deals with measurements of distances and lengths. We will derive metrical quantities from cycles in a way which shall be Möbius-invariant.
Cycles are covariant objects performing as “circles” in our three EPH geometries. Now we play the traditional mathematical game: turn some properties of classical objects into definitions of new ones.
rσc2= − |
| = − |
| = |
| . (1) |
The expression (1) for radius through the invariant cycle product resembles the definition of the norm of a vector in an inner product space [164]*§ 5.1.
rσc2=−4fuσc. |
An intuitive notion of a distance in both mathematics and everyday life is usually of a variational nature. We naturally perceive a straight line as the route of the shortest distance between two points. Then, we can define the distance along a curved path through an approximation. This variational nature is also echoed in the following definition:
It is easy to see that the distance is a symmetric function of two points.
dσ,σc2(P, P′) = |
| ((u−u′)2 −σ(v− v′)2), (2) |
dp,σc2(y, y′) = (u−u′)2. (3) |
Proof. Let Csσ(l) be the family of cycles passing through both points (u, v) and (u′, v′) (under the assumption v≠ v′) and parametrised by its coefficient l, which is the first coordinate of the cycle’s centre. By a symbolic calculation in CAS, we found that the only critical point of det(Csσ(l)) is
l0 = |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | (u′+u) + (σcσ−1) |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . (4) |
Note that, for the case σσc=1, i.e. when both point and cycle spaces are simultaneously either elliptic or hyperbolic, this expression reduces to the expected midpoint l0=1/2(u+u′). Since, in the elliptic or hyperbolic case, the parameter l can take any real value, the extremum of det(Csσ(l)) is reached in l0 and is equal to (2), again calculated by CAS. A separate calculation for the case v= v′ gives the same answer.
In the parabolic case, possible values of l are either in the ranges (−∞, 1/2(u+u′)) or (1/2(u+u′),∞), or only l=1/2(u+u′) since, for that value, a parabola should flip between the upward and downward directions of its branches. In any of these cases, the extreme value corresponds to the boundary point l=1/2(u+u′) and is equal to (3).
To help understand the complicated
identity (2), we may observe that
These are familiar expressions for distances in the elliptic and hyperbolic spaces. However, for other cases (such that σσc=−1 or 0) quite different results are obtained. For example, dσ,σc2(P, P′) does not tend to 0 if P→ P′ in the usual sense.
dσ,σ2(u+ι v)=(u+vι)(u−vι)=ww. (5) |
⟨ Cσcs−S σcs,Cσcs−S σcs ⟩ =2det(Cσcs−S σcs) =−2dσc,σc2(P,P′), |
⟨ Cσcs,S σcs ⟩ = dσc,σc2(P,P′)−rσc2−r′σc2, |
⟨ Zσcs,Tσcs ⟩ = dσc,σc2(P,P′), |
Using the notation dσ ,σ 2(P)=dσ ,σ 2(0,P), we can now rewrite the identities (3)–(4) as:
The distance allows us to expand the result for all EPH cases, which is well known in the cases of circles [71]*§ 2.1 and parabolas [339]*§ 10.
| . |
During geometry classes, we often make measurements with a compass, which is based on the idea that a circle is a locus of points equidistant from its centre. We can expand it for all cycles with the following definition:
It is easy to be confused by the triple of parameters σ, σc and σr in this definition. However, we will rarely operate in such a generality, and some special relations between the different sigmas will often be assumed. We also do not attach the triple (σ,σc,σr) to lc(AB) and lf(AB) in formulae, since their values will be clear from the surrounding text.
We now turn to calculations of the lengths.
Proof. Identity (6) is verified with CAS. For the second part, we observe that a cycle with the σr-focus (u,v) passing through (u′,v′)∈ℝσ has the parameters:
k=1, l= u, n=p, m = 2σr pv′−u′2+2uu′+σ v′2. |
Then, the formula (7) is verified by the CAS calculation.
On the other hand, in the parabolic point space, we obtain three additional lengths besides distance (3):
lcσc2(y, y′) = (u−u′)2+2 v v′−σc v2 |
parametrised by three values −1, 0 or −1 of σc (cf. Remark 1).
d2(y, y′) = p2+2(v−v′)p, |
All lengths l(AB) in ℝσ from Definition 9 are such that, for a fixed point A, every contour line l(AB)=c is a corresponding σ-cycle, which is a covariant object in the appropriate geometry. This is also true for distances if σ=σc. Thus, we can expect some covariant properties of distances and lengths.
| , where g∈SL2(ℝ), (10) |
Informally rephrasing this definition, we can say that a distance or length is SL2(ℝ)-conformal if a Möbius map scales all small intervals originating at a point by the same factor. Also, since a scaling preserves the shape of cycles, we can restate the SL2(ℝ)-conformality once more in familiar terms: small cycles are mapped to small cycles. To complete the analogy with conformality in the complex plane we note that preservation of angles (at least orthogonality) by Möbius transformations is automatic.
The conformal property of the distance (2) and (3) from Proposition 1 is, of course, well known (see [65, 339]). However, the same property of non-symmetric lengths from Proposition 2 and 3 could hardly be expected. As a possible reason, one remarks that the smaller group SL2(ℝ) (in comparison to all linear-fractional transforms of the whole ℝ2) admits a larger number of conformal metrics, cf. Remark 3.
The exception of the case σr=0 from the conformality in 3 looks disappointing at first glance, especially in the light of the parabolic Cayley transform considered later in Section 10.3. However, a detailed study of algebraic structure invariant under parabolic rotations, see Chapter 11, will remove obscurity from this case. Indeed, our Definition 13 of conformality heavily depends on the underlying linear structure in ℝσ—we measure a distance between points y and y+ty′ and intuitively expect that it is always small for small t. As explained in Section 11.4, the standard linear structure is incompatible with the parabolic rotations and thus should be replaced by a more relevant one. More precisely, instead of limits y′→ y along the straight lines towards y, we need to consider limits along vertical lines, as illustrated in Fig. 10.1 and Definition 23.
We will return to the parabolic case of conformality in Proposition 24. An approach to the parabolic point space and a related conformality based on infinitesimal cycles will be considered in Section 7.6.
We can also consider a distance between points in the upper half-plane which has a stronger property than SL2(ℝ)-conformality. Namely, the metric shall be preserved by SL2(ℝ) action or, in other words, Möbius transformations are isometries for it. We will study such a metric in Chapter 9.
In a Euclidean space, the shortest distance from a point to a straight line is provided by the corresponding perpendicular. Since we have already defined various distances and lengths, we may use them for a definition of the respective notions of perpendicularity1.
There is a connection between l-perpendicularity and f-orthogonality.
Proof. Consider the cycle Cσs with its σr-centre at A and passing B in its σ-implementation. This cycle Cσs is a contour line for a function l(X)=lc(AX) with the triple (σ,σc,σr). Therefore, the cycle separates regions where l(X)< lc(AB) and l(X)> lc(AB). The tangent line to Cσs at B (or, at least, its portion in the vicinity of B) belongs to one of these two regions, thus l(X) has a local extremum at B. Therefore, AB is lc-perpendicular to the tangent line. The line AB is also σr-orthogonal to the cycle Cσcs since it passes its σr-centre A, cf. Exercise 4.
The second case of lf(AB) and f-orthogonality can be considered similarly with the obvious change of centre to focus, cf. Proposition 2.
Obviously, perpendicularity turns out to be familiar in the elliptic case, cf. Lemma 1 below. For the two other cases, the description is given as follows:
| , |
It is worth having an idea about different types of perpendicularity in terms of the standard Euclidean geometry. Here are some examples.
u′u−v′p=u′u−v′( | √ |
| −v)=0, (11) |
Similarly, the only orthogonality condition linking the elliptic u1 u2+v1 v2=0 and the hyperbolic u1 u2−v1 v2=0 cases from the above exercise seems to be u1 u2=0 (see [339]*§ 3 and 2), which is again too trivial. This supports Remark 2.
Although parabolic zero-radius cycles defined in 13 do not satisfy our expectations for “smallness”, they are often technically suitable for the same purposes as elliptic and hyperbolic ones. However, we may want to find something which fits our intuition about “zero-sized” objects better. Here, we present an approach based on non-Archimedean (non-standard) analysis—see, for example, [73, 328] for a detailed exposition.
Following Archimedes, a (positive) infinitesimal number x satisfies
0 < n x <1, for any n∈ℕ. (12) |
Apart from this inequality infinitesimals obey all other properties of real numbers. In particular, in our CAS computations, an infinitesimal will be represented by a positive real symbol and we replace some of its powers by zero if their order of infinitesimality will admit this. The existence of infinitesimals in the standard real analysis is explicitly excluded by the Archimedean axiom, therefore the theory operating with infinitesimals is known as non-standard or non-Archimedean analysis. We assume from now on that there exists an infinitesimal number є.
Cσcs=(1, u0, n, u02 −σr n2+є2), (13) |
n= | ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ |
| (14) |
Hint: Combining two quadratic equations (one defines the squared σc-radius, another—v-coordinate of the focus), we found that n satisfies the equation:
(σr−σc)n2−2v0n+є2=0. |
Moreover, only the root from (14) of the quadratic case σr−σc≠ 0 gives an infinitesimal focal length. Then, we can find the m component of the cycle. The answer is also supported by CAS calculations. ⋄
The graph of cycle (13) in the parabolic space drawn at the scale of real numbers looks like a vertical ray starting at its focus, see Fig. 7.1(a), due to the following result.
(u0+є u, v0+v0u2+((σc−σr) u2−σr) |
| +O(є3)). (15) |
Note that points below F (in the ordinary scale) are not infinitesimally close to F in the sense of length (7), but are in the sense of distance (3). Thus, having the set of points on the infinitesimal distance from an unknown point F we are not able to identify F. However, this is possible from the set of points on the infinitesimal length from F. Figure 7.1(a) shows elliptic, hyperbolic concentric and parabolic confocal cycles of decreasing radii which shrink to the corresponding infinitesimal-radius cycles.
It is easy to see that infinitesimal-radius cycles have properties similar to zero-radius ones, cf. Lemma 20.
Consideration of infinitesimal numbers in the elliptic and hyperbolic cases should not bring any advantages since the (leading) quadratic terms in these cases are non-zero. However, non-Archimedean numbers in the parabolic case provide a more intuitive and efficient presentation. For example, zero-radius cycles are not helpful for the parabolic Cayley transform (see Section 10.3), but infinitesimal cycles are their successful replacements. Another illustration is the second part of the following result as a useful substitution for Exercise 4.
ku02−2lu0+m=O(є). |
ku02−2lu0−2nv0+m=O(є). (16) |
It is interesting to note that the exotic f-orthogonality became a matching replacement for the usual one for infinitesimal cycles. Unfortunately, f-orthogonality is more fragile. For example, it is not invariant under a generic cycle conjugation (Exercise 38) and, consequently, we cannot use an infinitesimal-radius cycle to define a new parabolic inversion besides those shown in Fig. 6.4(c).
An intuitive idea of conformal maps, which is often provided in complex analysis textbooks for illustration purposes, is that they “send small circles into small circles with respective centres”. Using infinitesimal cycles, one can turn it into a precise definition.
Natural conformalities for lengths from the centre in the elliptic and parabolic cases are already well studied. Thus, we are mostly interested here in conformality in the parabolic case, where lengths from the focus are more relevant. The image of an infinitesimal cycle (13) under SL2(ℝ)-action is a cycle. Moreover, it is again an infinitesimal cycle of the same order by Exercise 25. This provides the first condition of Definition 27. The second part fulfils as well.
Consequently, SL2(ℝ)-action is infinitesimally-conformal in the sense of Definition 27 with respect to the length from the focus (Definition 9) for all combinations of σ, σc and σr.
Infinitesimal conformality seems to be intuitively close to Definition 13. Thus, it is desirable to understand a reason for the absence of exclusion clauses in Exercise 29 in comparison with Exercise 3.
| = |
| , (17) |
a | b |
c | d |
However, if we consider points (15) of the infinitesimal cycle, then K=є u/v0 u2= є/v0 u. Thus, the value of the limit (17) at the infinitesimal scale is independent of y=u+ι v. It also coincides (up to an infinitesimal number) with the value in (27), which is defined through a different conformal condition.
Infinitesimal cycles are also a convenient tool for calculations of invariant measures, Jacobians, etc.
Using this analogy between є and ε, we can think about the parabolic point space ℝp as a model for a subset of hyperreal numbers ℝ* having the representation x+є y, with x and y being real. Then, a vertical line in ℝp (a special line, in Yaglom’s terms [339]) represents a monad, that is, the equivalence class of hyperreals, which are different by an infinitesimal number. Then, a Möbius transformation of ℝp is an analytic extension of the Möbius map from the real line to the subset of hyperreals.
The graph of a parabola is a section, that is, a “smooth” choice of a hyperreal representative from each monad. Geometric properties of parabolas studied in this work correspond to results about such choices of representatives and their invariants under Möbius transformations. It will be interesting to push this analogy further and look for a flow of ideas in the opposite direction: from non-standard analysis to parabolic geometry.
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