The Euclidean metric is not preserved by automorphisms of the Lobachevsky half-plane. Instead, one has only a weaker property of conformality. However, it is possible to find such a metric on the Lobachevsky half-plane that Möbius transformations will be isometries. Similarly, in Chapter ??, we described a variety of distances and lengths and many of them had conformal properties with respect to SL2(ℝ) action. However, it is worth finding a metric which is preserved by Möbius transformations. We will now proceed do this, closely following [165].
Our consideration will be based on equidistant orbits, which physically correspond to wavefronts with a constant velocity. For example, if a stone is dropped into a pond, the resulting ripples are waves which travel the same distance from the drop point, assuming a constant wave velocity. An alternative description to wavefronts uses rays—the paths along which waves travel, i.e. the geodesics in the case of a constant velocity. The duality between wavefronts and rays is provided by Huygens’ principle—see [11]*§ 46.
Geodesics also play a central role in differential geometry, generalising the notion of a straight line. They are closely related to metrics: a geodesic is often defined as a curve between two points with an extremum of length. As a consequence, the metric is additive along geodesics.
We start by recalling the standard definition—see [164]*§ I.2.
Although adequate in many cases, the definition does not cover all metrics of interest. Examples include the non-symmetric lengths from Section 7.2 or distances (5) in the Minkowski space with the reverse triangle inequality d(x,y)≥ d(x,z)+d(z,y).
Recall the established procedure of constructing geodesics in Riemannian geometry (two-dimensional case) from [337]*§ 7:
g(du,dv)=Edu2+Fdu dv +Gdv2. (1) |
length(Γ)= | ∫ |
| (Edu2+Fdu dv +Gdv2) |
| . (2) |
We recall from Section 3.7 that an isotropy subgroup H fixing the hypercomplex unit ι under the action of (4) is K (3), N′ (6) and A′ (5) in the corresponding EPH cases. We will refer to H-action as EPH rotation around ι. For an SL2(ℝ) invariant metric, the orbits of H will be equidistant points from ι, giving some indication what the metric should be. However, this does not determine the metric entirely since there is freedom in assigning values to the orbits.
d s2= |
| , (3) |
In the proof below, we will follow the procedure from [56]*§ 10.
Proof. In order to calculate the infinitesimal metric, consider the subgroups H of Möbius transformations which fix ι. Denote an element of these rotations by Eσ. We require an isometry, so
d(ι,ι+δ v)=d(ι,Eσ(ι+δ v)). |
Using the Taylor series, we obtain
Eσ(ι+δ v)=ι+Jσ(ι)δ v+o(δ v), |
where the Jacobian denoted Jσ is, respectively,
| , |
| or |
| . |
A metric is invariant under the above rotations if it is preserved under the linear transformation
| =Jσ |
| , |
which turns out to be du2−σ dv2 in the three cases.
To calculate the metric at an arbitrary point w=u+iv, we map w to ι by an affine Möbius transformation, which acts transitively on the upper half-plane
r−1: w → |
| . (4) |
Hence, there is a factor of 1/v2, so the resulting metric is ds2=du2−σ dv2/v2.
length(Γ)= | ∫ |
| . (5) |
The standard tools for finding geodesics for a given Riemannian metric are the Euler–Lagrange equations—see [337]*§ 7.1. For the metric (3), they take the form
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | =0 and |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | = |
| , (6) |
where γ is a smooth curve γ(t)=(γ1(t),γ2(t)) and t ∈ (a,b). This general approach can be used in the two non-degenerate cases (elliptic and hyperbolic) and produces curves with the minimum or maximum lengths, respectively. However, the SL2(ℝ)-invariance of the metric allows us to use more elegant methods in this case. For example, in the Lobachevsky half-plane, the solutions are well known—semicircles orthogonal to the real axes or vertical lines, cf. Fig. 9.1(a) and [26]*Ch. 15.
(u2 +v2) −2t u −1 =0, where t ∈ ℝ. (7) |
m(z,w)=sinh−1 |
| , (8) |
(u2−v2) −2tu +1=0, where | ⎪ ⎪ | t | ⎪ ⎪ | >1 or | ⎪ ⎪ | t | ⎪ ⎪ | <1. (9) |
d(z,w)= | ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ |
| (10) |
Figure 9.1: Lobachevsky geodesics and extrema of curves’ lengths. (a) The geodesic between w1 and w2 in the Lobachevsky half-plane is the circle orthogonal to the real line. The invariant metric is expressed through the cross-ratios [z1,w1,w2,z2]=[w1,w1,w2,w2]. (b) Extrema of curves’ lengths in the parabolic point space. The length of the blue curve (going up) can be arbitrarily close to 0 and can be arbitrarily large for the red one (going down).
The same geodesic equations can be obtained by Beltrami’s method—see [42]*§ 8.1. However, the parabolic case presents yet another disappointment.
u2−2tu=0. (11) |
There is a similarity between all three cases. For example, we can uniformly write equations (7), (9) and (11) of geodesics through ι as
(u2−σ v2) −2tu +σ =0, where t∈ℝ. |
However, the triviality of the parabolic invariant metric is awkward and we go on to study further the algebraic and geometric invariants to find a more adequate answer.
We seek all real-valued functions f of two points on the half-plane which are invariant under the Möbius action
f(g(z),g(w))=f(z,w) for all z,w∈ ℝσ and g∈ SL2(ℝ). |
We have already seen one like this in (8) and (10):
F(z,w)= |
| , (12) |
which can be shown by a simple direct calculation (for CAS, see Exercise 3). Recall that | z |σ2=u2−σ v2 by analogy with the distance dσ,σ (5) in EPH geometries and [339]*App. C. In order to describe other invariant functions we will need the following definition.
In fact, the last example provides all such functions.
Proof. Because of the Exercise 2, we show the necessity only. Suppose there exists another function with such a property, say, H(z,w). Due to invariance under SL2(ℝ), this can be viewed as a function in one variable if we apply r−1 (cf. (4)) which sends z to ι and w to r−1(w). Now, by considering a fixed smooth curve Γ from Definition 8, we can completely define H(z,w) as a function of a single real variable h(t)=H(i, Γ(t)) and, similarly for F(z,w),
H(z,w)=H(i,r−1(w))=h(t) and F(z,w)=F(i,r−1(w))=f(t), |
where h and f are both continuous and monotonically-increasing since they represent metrics. Hence, the inverse f−1 exists everywhere by the inverse function theorem. So,
H(i,r−1(w))=h ∘ f−1 ∘ F(i,r−1(w)). |
Note that hf−1 is monotonic, since it is the composition of two monotonically-increasing functions, and this ends the proof.
As discussed in the previous section, in elliptic and hyperbolic geometries the function h from above is either sinh−1t or sin−1t (8) (10). Hence, it is reasonable to try inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions in the intermediate parabolic case as well.
As pointed out earlier, there might not be a metric function which satisfies all the traditional properties. However, we still need the key ones, and we therefore make the following definition:
This definition is almost identical to the Menger line—see [32]*§ 2.3.
Schematically, the proposed approach is:
invariant metric |
| invariant geodesic . (13) |
Compare this with the Riemannian described in Section 9.1:
local metric |
| geodesic |
| metric. (14) |
Let us now proceed with finding geodesics from a metric function.
| = |
| , (15) |
A natural choice for a metric is, cf. Exercises 3 and 2,
dσ,σr(w,w′)=sinσr−1 |
| , (16) |
where the elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic inverse sine functions are (see [190] [129])
sinσr−1t= | ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎩ |
| (17) |
Note that σr is independent of σ although it takes the same three values, similar to the different signatures of point and cycle spaces introduced in Chapter ??. It is used to denote the possible sub-cases within the parabolic geometry alone.
Let us verify which properties from Definition 1 are satisfied by the invariant metric derived from (16). Two of the four properties hold—it is clearly symmetric and positive for every two points. However, the metric of any point to a point on the same vertical line is zero, so d(z, w)=0 does not imply z=w. This can be overcome by introducing a different metric function just for the points on the vertical lines—see [339]*§ 3. Note that we still have d(z,z)=0 for all z.
The triangle inequality holds only in the elliptic point space, whereas, in the hyperbolic point space, we have the reverse situation: d(w1,w2)≥ d(w1,z)+d(z,w2). There is an intermediate situation in the parabolic point space:
Proof. The only possible invariant metric function in parabolic geometry is of the form d(z, w)=h ∘ |ℜ[z−w] |/2√ℑ[z]ℑ[w], where h is a monotonically-increasing, continuous, real function by Theorem 10. Fix two points w1, w2 and the geodesic though them. Now consider some point z=a+ib in the strip. The metric function is additive along a geodesic, so d(w1, w2)= d(w1, w(a))+d(w(a),w2), where w(a) is a point on the geodesic with real part equal to a. However, if ℑ[w(a)]<b, then d(w1, w(a))>d(w1, z) and d(w(a), w2)>d(z, w2), which implies d(w1,w2)> d(w1,z)+d(z,w2). Similarly, if ℑ[w(a)]>b, then d(w1,w2)< d(w1,z)+d(z,w2).
To illustrate these ideas, look at the region where the converse of the triangular inequality holds for d(z,w)σr =sinσr −1 |ℜ[z−w] |/2√ℑ[z]ℑ[w], shaded red in Fig. 9.2. It is enclosed by two parabolas both of the form (σr +4t2)u2−8tu−4v+4=0 (which is the general equation of geodesics) and both passing though the two fixed points. The parabolas arise from taking both signs of the root, when solving the quadratic equation to find t. Segments of these parabolas, which bound the red region, are of different types—one of them is between points w1 and w2, the second joins these points with infinity.
In the previous section, we defined an invariant metric and derived the respective geodesics. Now, we will proceed in the opposite direction. As we discussed in Exercise 7, the parabolic invariant metric obtained from the extremality condition is trivial. We work out an invariant metric from the Riemannian metric and predefined geodesics. It is schematically depicted, cf. (14), by
Riemann metric + invariant geodesics |
| metric. (19) |
A minimal requirement for the family of geodesics is that they should form an invariant subset of an invariant class of curves with no more than one curve joining every two points. Thus, if we are looking for SL2(ℝ)-invariant metrics it is natural to ask whether geodesic are cycles. An invariant subset of cycles may be characterised by an invariant algebraic condition, e.g. orthogonality. However, the ordinary orthogonality is already fulfilled for the trivial geodesics from Exercise 7, so, instead, we will try f-orthogonality to the real axes, Definition 34. Recall that a cycle is f-orthogonal to the real axes if the real axes inverted in a cycle are orthogonal (in the usual sense) to the real axes.
As a starting point, consider the cycles that pass though ι. It is enough to specify only one such f-orthogonal cycle—the rest will be obtained by Möbius transformations fixing ι, i.e parabolic rotations. Within these constraints there are three different families of parabolas determined by the value σr.
σr u2−4v+4=0, (20) |
Note that these are exactly the same geodesics obtained in (18). Hence, we already know what the metric function has to be. However, it is instructive to make the calculation from scratch since it does not involve anything from the previous section and is, in a way, more elementary and intuitive.
| = | ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ |
We meet an example of the splitting of the parabolic geometry into three different sub-cases, this will followed by three types of Cayley transform in Section 10.3 and Fig. 10.3. The respective geodesics and equidistant orbits have been drawn in Fig. 9.3. There is one more gradual transformation between the different geometries. We can see the transitions from the elliptic case to Pe, then to Pp, to Ph, to hyperbolic light-like and, finally, to space-like. To link it back, we observe a similarity between the final space-like case and the initial elliptic one.
There is one more useful parallel between all the geometries. In Lobachevsky and Minkowski geometries, the centres of geodesics lie on the real axes. In parabolic geometry, the respective σr-foci (see Definition 2) of σr-geodesic parabolas lie on the real axes. This fact is due to the relations between f-orthogonality and foci, cf. Proposition 40.
A very elegant presentation of the Möbius-invariant metric in the Lobachevsky half-plane is based on the cross-ratio (14)—see [26]*§ 15.2.
Let w1 and w2 be two different points of the Lobachevsky half-plane. Draw a selfadjoint circle (i.e. orthogonal to the real line) which passes through w1 and w2. Let z1 and z2 be the points of intersection of the circle and the real line, cf. Fig. 9.1(a). From Exercise 3, a cross-ratio of four concyclic points is real, thus we define the function of two points
ρ(w1,w2)=log[z1,w1,w2,z2]. |
Surprisingly, this simple formula produces the Lobachevsky metric.
This approach to the invariant metric cannot be transferred to the parabolic and hyperbolic cases in a straightforward manner for geometric reasons. As we can see from Fig. 9.3, there are certain types of geodesics which do not meet the real line. However, the case of e-geodesics in ℝp, which is the closest relative of the Lobachevsky half-plane, offers such a possibility.
This is only a partial success in transferring of the elliptic theory to dual numbers. A more unified treatment for all EPH cases can be obtained from the projective cross-ratio [52]—see Section 4.5 for corresponding definitions and results. In addition, we define the map P(x,y)= x/y on the subset of ℙ1(ℝσ) consisting of vectors (x,y)∈ℝσ2 such that y is not a zero divisor. It is a left inverse of the map S(z)=(z,1) from Section 4.5.
[w1,w1,w2,w2] =S | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . (21) |
To obtain the respective notion of geodesics in ℙ1(ℝσ) from the above Möbius-invariant metric we can again use the route from Section 9.3.
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