Complex valued representations of the Heisenberg group (also known as Weyl or Heisenberg-Weyl group) provide a natural framework for quantum mechanics [139, 104]. This is the most fundamental example of the Kirillov orbit method, induced representations and geometrical quantisation technique [161, 160]. Following the presentation in Section 1.4 we will consider representations of the Heisenberg group which are induced by hypercomplex characters of its centre: complex (which correspond to the elliptic case), dual (parabolic) and double (hyperbolic).
To describe dynamics of a physical system we use a universal equation based on inner derivations (commutator) of the convolution algebra [177] [181]. The complex valued representations produce the standard framework for quantum mechanics with the Heisenberg dynamical equation [336].
The double number valued representations, with the hyperbolic unit є2=1, is a natural source of hyperbolic quantum mechanics developed for a while [143, 142, 154, 151, 155]. The universal dynamical equation employs hyperbolic commutator in this case. This can be seen as a Moyal bracket based on the hyperbolic sine function. The hyperbolic observables act as operators on a Krein space with an indefinite inner product. Such spaces are employed in study of PT-symmetric Hamiltonians and hyperbolic unit є2=1 naturally appear in this setup [121].
The representations with values in dual numbers provide a convenient description of the classical mechanics. For this we do not take any sort of semiclassical limit, rather the nilpotency of the parabolic unit (ε2=0) do the task. This removes the vicious necessity to consider the Planck constant tending to zero. The dynamical equation takes the Hamiltonian form. We also describe classical non-commutative representations of the Heisenberg group which acts in the first jet space.
The approach provides not only three different types of dynamics, it also generates the respective rules for addition of probabilities as well. For example, the quantum interference is the consequence of the same complex-valued structure, which directs the Heisenberg equation. The absence of an interference (a particle behaviour) in the classical mechanics is again the consequence the nilpotency of the parabolic unit. Double numbers creates the hyperbolic law of additions of probabilities, which was extensively investigates [154, 151]. There are still unresolved issues with positivity of the probabilistic interpretation in the hyperbolic case [143, 142].
This entirely dispels any illusive correlation between classical/quantum and commutative/non-commutative. Instead we show that quantum mechanics is fully determined by the properties of complex numbers. In Feynman’s exposition [97] complex numbers are presented by a clock, rotations of its arm encode multiplications by unimodular complex numbers. Moreover, there is no a presentation of quantum mechanics, which does not employ complex phases (numbers) in one or another form. Analogous parabolic and hyperbolic phases (or characters produced by associated hypercomplex numbers, see Section 3.1) lead to classical and hypercomplex mechanics respectively.
This section clarifies foundations of quantum and classical mechanics. We recovered the existence of three non-isomorphic models of mechanics from the representation theory. They were already derived in [143, 142] from translation invariant formulation, that is from the group theory as well. It also hinted that hyperbolic counterpart is (at least theoretically) as natural as classical and quantum mechanics are. The approach provides a framework for a description of aggregate system which have say both quantum and classical components. This can be used to model quantum computers with classical terminals [189].
Remarkably, simultaneously with the work [142] group-invariant axiomatics of geometry leaded R.I. Pimenov [284] to description of 3n Cayley–Klein constructions. The connection between group-invariant geometry and respective mechanics were explored in many works of N.A. Gromov, see for example [115, 116, 119]. They already highlighted the rôle of three types of hypercomplex units for the realisation of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic geometry and kinematic.
There is a further connection between representations of the Heisenberg group and hypercomplex numbers. The symplectomorphism of phase space are also automorphism of the Heisenberg group [104]*§ 1.2. We recall that the symplectic group [2] [104]*§ 1.2 is isomorphic to the group SL2(ℝ) [240] [140] [251] and provides linear symplectomorphisms of the two-dimensional phase space. It has three types of non-isomorphic one-dimensional continuous subgroups (3-5) with symplectic action on the phase space illustrated by Fig. 11.1. Hamiltonians, which produce those symplectomorphism, are of interest [338]*§ 3.8 [322] [323]. An analysis of those Hamiltonians from Section 3.3 by means of ladder operators recreates hypercomplex coefficients as well [196].
Harmonic oscillators, which we shall use as the main illustration here, are treated in most textbooks on quantum mechanics. This is efficiently done through creation/annihilation (ladder) operators, cf. § 3.3 and [109] [48]. The underlying structure is the representation theory of the Heisenberg and symplectic groups [240]*§ VI.2 [321]*§ 8.2 [139] [104]. As we will see, they are naturally connected with respective hypercomplex numbers. As a result we obtain further illustrations to the Similarity and Correspondence Principle 5.
We work with the simplest case of a particle with only one degree of freedom. Higher dimensions and the respective group of symplectomorphisms [2n] may require consideration of Clifford algebras [166] [69] [66] [121] [289].
Here we briefly outline a formalism [169, 294, 177, 53, 181], which allows to unify quantum and classical mechanics.
Using a invariant measure dg=ds dx dy on ℍn we can define the convolution of two functions:
This is a non-commutative operation, which is meaningful for functions from various spaces including L1(ℍn,dg), the Schwartz space S and many classes of distributions, which form algebras under convolutions. Convolutions on ℍn are used as observables in p-mechanic [169, 181].
A unitary representation of ℍn extends to L1(ℍn ,dg) by the formula:
(k) = | ∫ |
| k(g) (g) dg . (2) |
This is also an algebra homomorphism of convolutions to linear operators.
For a dynamics of observables we need inner derivations Dk of the convolution algebra L1(ℍn), which are given by the commutator:
To describe dynamics of a time-dependent observable f(t,g) we use the universal equation, cf. [167, 169]:
Sḟ=[H,f], (4) |
where S is the left-invariant vector field (10) generated by the centre of ℍn. The presence of operator S fixes the dimensionality of both sides of the equation (4) if the observable H (Hamiltonian) has the dimensionality of energy [181]*Rem 4.1. If we apply a right inverse of S to both sides of the equation (4) we obtain the equivalent equation
ḟ=Hf, (5) |
based on the universal bracket k1k2=k1* k2−k2* k1 [181].
H= |
| (mk2 X2 + |
| Y2), |
[H,f]= |
| (mk2 ((Xr)2−(Xl)2) + |
| ((Yr)2−(Yl)2))f. |
| ḟ= |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 y |
| − |
| x |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. (6) |
f(t;s,x,y) = f0 | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | s, xcos(k t) + m k ysin( k t), − |
| sin(k t) + ycos(k t) | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | , (7) |
H= |
| q2+ |
| q3 + |
| p2. (8) |
H= |
| X2+ |
| X3 + |
| Y2. |
ḟ= | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 y |
| + |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | 3y |
| + |
| y3 |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | − |
| x |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. (9) |
Let an observable (k) (2) is defined by a kernel k(g) on the Heisenberg group and its representation at a Hilbert space H. A state on the convolution algebra is given by a vector v∈H. A simple calculation:
can be restated as:
⟨ (k)v,v ⟩H=⟨ k,l ⟩, where l(g)=⟨ v,(g)v ⟩H. |
Here the left-hand side contains the inner product on H, while the right-hand side uses a skew-linear pairing between functions on ℍn based on the Haar measure integration. In other words we obtain, cf. [53]*Thm. 3.11:
l(g)=⟨ v,(g)v ⟩H (10) |
The addition of vectors in H implies the following operation on states:
The last expression can be conveniently rewritten for kernels of the functional as
l12=l1+l2+2 A | √ |
| (12) |
for some real number A. This formula is behind the contextual law of addition of conditional probabilities [153] and will be illustrated below. Its physical interpretation is an interference, say, from two slits. Despite of a common belief, the mechanism of such interference can be both causal and local, see [179] [152].
In this section we consider the representation h of ℍn induced by the elliptic character χh(s)=eih s in complex numbers parametrised by h∈ℝ. We also use the convenient agreement h=2πℏ borrowed from physical literature.
The realisation of h by the left shifts (1) on L2h(ℍn) is rarely used in quantum mechanics. Instead two unitary equivalent forms are more common: the Schrödinger and Fock–Segal–Bargmann (FSB) representations.
The FSB representation can be obtained from the orbit method of Kirillov [160]. It allows spatially separate irreducible components of the left regular representation, each of them become located on the orbit of the co-adjoint representation, see [181]*§ 2.1 [160] for details, we only present a brief summary here.
We identify ℍn and its Lie algebra hn through the exponential map [159]*§ 6.4. The dual hn* of hn is presented by the Euclidean space ℝ2n+1 with coordinates (ℏ,q,p). The pairing hn* and hn given by
⟨ (s,x,y),(ℏ,q,p) ⟩=ℏ s + q · x+p· y. |
This pairing defines the Fourier transform ^: L2(ℍn)→ L2(hn*) given by [161]*§ 2.3:
φ(F)= | ∫ |
| φ(expX) e−2πi ⟨ X,F ⟩ dX where X∈hn, F∈hn*. (13) |
For a fixed ℏ the left regular representation (1) is mapped by the Fourier transform to the FSB type representation (13). The collection of points (ℏ,q,p)∈hn* for a fixed ℏ is naturally identified with the phase space of the system.
0(s,x,y): f (q,p) ↦ e−2πi(qx+py) f | ⎛ ⎝ | q, p | ⎞ ⎠ | . (14) |
To recover the Schrödinger representation we use notations and technique of induced representations from § 3.2, see also [173]*Ex. 4.1. The subgroup H={(s,0,y) ∣ s∈ℝ, y∈ℝn}⊂ℍn defines the homogeneous space X=G/H, which coincides with ℝn as a manifold. The natural projection p:G→ X is p(s,x,y)=x and its left inverse s:X→ G can be as simple as s(x)=(0,x,0). For the map r:G→ H, r(s,x,y)=(s−xy/2,0,y) we have the decomposition
(s,x,y)=s(p(s,x,y))*r(s,x,y)=(0,x,0)*(s− |
| xy,0,y). |
For a character χh(s,0,y)=eih s of H the lifting Lχ: L2(G/H) → L2χ(G) is as follows:
[Lχf](s,x,y)=χh(r(s,x,y)) f(p(s,x,y))=eih (s−xy/2)f(x). |
Thus the representation χ(g)=P∘Λ (g)∘L becomes:
[χ(s′,x′,y′) f](x)=e−2πiℏ (s′+xy′−x′y′/2) f(x−x′). (15) |
After the Fourier transform x↦ q we get the Schrödinger representation on the configuration space:
[χ(s′,x′,y′) f ](q)=e−2πiℏ (s′+x′y′/2) −2πi x′ q f(q+ℏ y′). (16) |
Note that this again turns into a commutative representation (multiplication by an unimodular function) if ℏ=0. To get the full set of commutative representations in this way we need to use the character χ(h,p)(s,0,y)=e2πi(ℏ+ py) in the above consideration.
The property (2) of F2χ(ℍn) implies that the restrictions of two operators χ (k1) and χ (k2) to this space are equal if
∫ |
| k1(s,x,y) χ(s) ds = | ∫ |
| k2(s,x,y) χ(s) ds. |
In other words, for a character χ(s)=e2πi ℏ s the operator χ (k) depends only on
ks(ℏ,x,y)= | ∫ |
| k(s,x,y) e−2πi ℏ s ds, |
which is the partial Fourier transform s↦ ℏ of k(s,x,y). The restriction to F2χ(ℍn) of the composition formula for convolutions is [181]*(3.5):
(k′*k)_s= | ∫ |
| e i h(xy′−yx′)/2 k′s(ℏ ,x′,y′) ks(ℏ ,x−x′,y−y′) dx′dy′. (17) |
Under the Schrödinger representation (16) the convolution (17) defines a rule for composition of two pseudo-differential operators (PDO) in the Weyl calculus [139] [104]*§ 2.3.
Consequently the representation (2) of commutator (3) depends only on its partial Fourier transform [181]*(3.6):
Under the Fourier transform (13) this commutator is exactly the Moyal bracket [341] for of k′ and k on the phase space.
For observables in the space F2χ(ℍn) the action of S is reduced to multiplication, e.g. for χ(s)=ei h s the action of S is multiplication by i h. Thus the equation (4) reduced to the space F2χ(ℍn) becomes the Heisenberg type equation [181]*(4.4):
ḟ= |
| [H,f]_s, (19) |
based on the above bracket (18). The Schrödinger representation (16) transforms this equation to the original Heisenberg equation.
ḟ= | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 q |
| − |
| p |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. (20) |
ḟ= | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 q |
| + |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | 3q2 |
| − |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | − |
| p |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. (21) |
For the elliptic character χh(s)=eih s we can use the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to demonstrate that the real number A in the identity (12) is between −1 and 1. Thus we can put A=cosα for some angle (phase) α to get the formula for counting quantum probabilities, cf. [154]*(2):
l12=l1+l2+2 cosα | √ |
| (22) |
v(a,b)(q,p)=exp | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | − |
| (q−a)2− |
| (p−b)2 | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . (23) |
Xc(s,x,y)=e2πi (sℏ+x c)δ(y). (25) |
⟨ Xc,l(a,b) ⟩= |
| exp | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | − |
| (c−a)2 | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . |
⟨ Xc,li ⟩= |
| exp | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | − |
| c2 − |
| b2+ |
| cb | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ |
The presence of the cosine term in the last expression can generate an interference picture. In practise it does not happen for the minimal uncertainty state (23) which we are using here: it rapidly vanishes outside of the neighbourhood of zero, where oscillations of the cosine occurs, see Fig. 4.1(a).
u(a,b)(q,p)= |
| . (26) |
⟨ Xc,l ⟩= |
| ∫ |
| û1(q, 2(q−c)/ℏ) |
| dq, |
Let be a representation of the Schrödinger group G=ℍ1⋊Sp′(2) (17) in a space V. Consider the derived representation of the Lie algebra g [240]*§ VI.1 and denote X′=(X) for X∈g. To see the structure of the representation we can decompose the space V into eigenspaces of the operator X′ for some X∈ g. The canonical example is the Taylor series in complex analysis.
We are going to consider three cases corresponding to three non-isomorphic subgroups (3–5) of [2] starting from the compact case. Let H=Z be a generator of the compact subgroup K. Corresponding symplectomorphisms (4) of the phase space are given by orthogonal rotations with matrices (
cost | sin t |
−sint | cost |
). The Shale–Weil representation (16) coincides with the Hamiltonian of the harmonic oscillator in Schrödinger representation.
Since Sp′(2) is a two-fold cover the corresponding eigenspaces of a compact group Z′ vk=i k vk are parametrised by a half-integer k∈ℤ/2. Explicitly for a half-integer k eigenvectors are:
vk(q)=H |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ |
| q | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | e |
| , (27) |
where Hk is the Hermite polynomial [104]*§ 1.7 [93]*8.2(9).
From the point of view of quantum mechanics as well as the representation theory it is beneficial to introduce the ladder operators L± (15), known also as creation/annihilation in quantum mechanics [104]*p. 49 [48]. There are two ways to search for ladder operators: in (complexified) Lie algebras h1 and sp2. The later coincides with our consideration in Section 3.3 in the essence.
Assuming L+=aX′+bY′ we obtain from the relations (18–19) and (15) the linear equations with unknown a and b:
a=λ+ b, −b=λ+ a. |
The equations have a solution if and only if λ+2+1=0, and the raising/lowering operators are L±= X′∓iY′.
In the Schrödinger representation (15) the ladder operators are
ℏ(L±)= 2πi q±iℏ |
| . (28) |
The standard treatment of the harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics, which can be found in many textbooks, e.g. [104]*§ 1.7 [109]*§ 2.2.3, is as follows. The vector v−1/2(q)=e−π q2/ℏ is an eigenvector of Z′ with the eigenvalue −i/2. In addition v−1/2 is annihilated by L+. Thus the chain (16) terminates to the right and the complete set of eigenvectors of the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian is presented by (L−)k v−1/2 with k=0, 1, 2, ….
We can make a wavelet transform generated by the Heisenberg group with the mother wavelet v−1/2, and the image will be the Fock–Segal–Bargmann (FSB) space [139] [104]*§ 1.6. Since v−1/2 is the null solution of L+=X′−i Y′, then by Cor. 6 the image of the wavelet transform will be null-solutions of the corresponding linear combination of the Lie derivatives (10):
D= |
| =(∂ x +i∂y)−πℏ(x−i y), (29) |
which turns out to be the Cauchy–Riemann equation on a weighted FSB-type space, see Section 5.4 below.
We can also look for ladder operators within the Lie algebra sp2, see Subsection 4.3.1 and [194]*§ 8. Assuming L2+=aA′+bB′+cZ′ from the relations (13) and defining condition (15) we obtain the linear equations with unknown a, b and c:
c=0, 2a=λ+ b, −2b=λ+ a. |
The equations have a solution if and only if λ+2+4=0, and the raising/lowering operators are L2±=±i A′+B′. In the Shale–Weil representation (16) they turn out to be:
L2±=±i | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ |
| + |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | − |
| − |
| =− |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | ∓2π q+ℏ |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ |
| . (30) |
Since this time λ+=2i the ladder operators L2± produce a shift on the diagram (16) twice bigger than the operators L± from the Heisenberg group. After all, this is not surprising since from the explicit representations (28) and (30) we get:
L2±=− |
| (L±)2. |
Now we turn to double numbers also known as hyperbolic, split-complex, etc. numbers [339]*App. C [325] [157]. They form a two dimensional algebra ℝh spanned by 1 and є with the property є2=1. There are zero divisors:
є±= |
| (1± j), such that є+ є−=0 and є±2=є±. |
Thus double numbers algebraically isomorphic to two copies of ℝ spanned by є±. Being algebraically dull double numbers are nevertheless interesting as a homogeneous space [191, 194] and they are relevant in physics [151, 325, 326]. The combination of p-mechanical approach with hyperbolic quantum mechanics was already discussed in [53]*§ 6.
For the hyperbolic character χє h(s)=eє h s=coshh s +єsinhh s of ℝ one can define the hyperbolic Fourier-type transform:
k(q)= | ∫ |
| k(x) e−є q xdx. |
It can be understood in the sense of distributions on the space dual to the set of analytic functions [155]*§ 3. Hyperbolic Fourier transform intertwines the derivative d/dx and multiplication by є q [155]*Prop. 1.
∫ |
| e−x2/2 e−є q xdx= | √ |
| eq2/2. |
∫ |
| ex2/2 e−є q xdx= | √ |
| e−q2/2 |
An elegant theory of hyperbolic Fourier transform may be achieved by a suitable adaptation of [138], which uses representation theory of the Heisenberg group.
Consider the space Fhє(ℍn) of ℝh-valued functions on ℍn with the property:
f(s+s′,h,y)=eє h s′ f(s,x,y), for all (s,x,y)∈ ℍn, s′∈ ℝ , (31) |
and the square integrability condition (3). Then the hyperbolic representation is obtained by the restriction of the left shifts to Fhє(ℍn). To obtain an equivalent representation on the phase space we take ℝh-valued functional of the Lie algebra hn:
χ(h,q,p)j(s,x,y)=eє(h s +qx+ py) =cosh(h s +qx+ py) + єsinh(h s +qx+ py). (32) |
The hyperbolic Fock–Segal–Bargmann type representation is intertwined with the left group action by means of the Fourier transform (13) with the hyperbolic functional (32). Explicitly this representation is:
ℏ(s,x,y): f (q,p) ↦ e−є(h s+qx+py) f | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | q− |
| y, p+ |
| x | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . (33) |
For a hyperbolic Schrödinger type representation we again use the scheme described in § 3.2. Similarly to the elliptic case one obtains the formula, resembling (15):
[єχ(s′,x′,y′) f](x)=e−єh (s′+xy′−x′y′/2)f(x−x′). (34) |
Application of the hyperbolic Fourier transform produces a Schrödinger type representation on the configuration space, cf. (16):
[єχ(s′,x′,y′) f ](q)=e−єh (s′+x′y′/2) −є x′ q f(q+h y′). |
The extension of this representation to kernels according to (2) generates hyperbolic pseudodifferential operators introduced in [155]*(3.4).
Similarly to the elliptic (quantum) case we consider a convolution of two kernels on ℍn restricted to Fhє(ℍn). The composition law becomes, cf. (17):
(k′*k)_s= | ∫ |
| e є h(xy′−yx′) k′s(h ,x′,y′) ks(h ,x−x′,y−y′) dx′dy′. (35) |
This is close to the calculus of hyperbolic PDO obtained in [155]*Thm. 2. Respectively for the commutator of two convolutions we get, cf. (18):
[k′,k]_s= | ∫ |
| sinh(h (xy′−yx′)) k′s(h ,x′,y′) ks(h ,x−x′,y−y′) dx′dy′. (36) |
This the hyperbolic version of the Moyal bracket, cf. [155]*p. 849, which generates the corresponding image of the dynamic equation (4).
ḟ= | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 q |
| + |
| ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | 3q2 |
| + |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | − |
| p |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. |
Figure 4.2: Hyperbolic probabilities: the blue (dashed) graph shows the addition of probabilities without interaction, the red (solid) graph present the quantum interference. Left picture shows the Gaussian state (23), with the same distribution as in quantum mechanics, cf. Fig. 4.1(a). The right picture shows the rational state (26), note the absence of interference oscillations in comparison with the quantum state on Fig. 4.1(b).
To calculate probability distribution generated by a hyperbolic state we are using the general procedure from Section 4.1.2. The main differences with the quantum case are as follows:
The contrast between two types of interference is prominent for the rational state (26), which is far from the minimal uncertainty, see the different patterns on Figs. 4.1(b) and 4.2(b).
Consider the case of the Hamiltonian H=2B, which is a repulsive (hyperbolic) harmonic oscillator [338]*§ 3.8. The corresponding one-dimensional subgroup of symplectomorphisms produces hyperbolic rotations of the phase space, see Fig. 11.1. The eigenvectors vµ of the operator
SWℏ(2B)vν=−i | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ |
| + |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | vν=iν vν, |
are Weber–Hermite (or parabolic cylinder) functions vν=Dν−1/2(±2ei π/4√π/ℏ q), see [93]*§ 8.2 [312] for fundamentals of Weber–Hermite functions and [322] for further illustrations and applications in optics.
The corresponding one-parameter group is not compact and the eigenvalues of the operator 2B′ are not restricted by any integrality condition, but the raising/lowering operators are still important [140]*§ II.1 [251]*§ 1.1. We again seek solutions in two subalgebras h1 and sp2 separately. However the additional options will be provided by a choice of the number system: either complex or double.
Assuming Lh+=aX′+bY′ from the commutators (18–19) we obtain the linear equations:
−a=λ+ b, −b=λ+ a. (37) |
The equations have a solution if and only if λ+2−1=0. Taking the real roots λ=±1 we obtain that the raising/lowering operators are Lh±=X′∓Y′. In the Schrödinger representation (15) the ladder operators are
Lh±= 2πi q± ℏ |
| . (38) |
The null solutions v±1/2(q)=e±πi/ℏ q2 to operators ℏ(L±) are also eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian SWℏ(2B) with the eigenvalue ±1/2. However the important distinction from the elliptic case is, that they are not square-integrable on the real line anymore.
We can also look for ladder operators within the sp2, that is in the form L2h+=aA′+bB′+cZ′ for the commutator [2B′,Lh+]=λ Lh+, see § ??. Within complex numbers we get only the values λ=± 2 with the ladder operators L2h±=±2A′+Z′/2, see [140]*§ II.1 [251]*§ 1.1. Each indecomposable h1- or sp2-module is formed by a one-dimensional chain of eigenvalues with a transitive action of ladder operators Lh± or L2h± respectively. And we again have a quadratic relation between the ladder operators:
L2h±= |
| (Lh±)2. |
There are extra possibilities in in the context of hyperbolic quantum mechanics [154] [151] [155]. Here we use the representation of ℍ1 induced by a hyperbolic character eє h t=cosh(h t)+єsinh(h t), see [199]*(4.5), and obtain the hyperbolic representation of ℍ1, cf. (16):
[єh(s′,x′,y′) f ](q)=eєh (s′−x′y′/2) +є x′ q f(q−h y′). (39) |
The corresponding derived representation is
єh(X)=є q, єh(Y)=−h |
| , єh(S)=єh I. (40) |
Then the associated Shale–Weil derived representation of sp2 in the Schwartz space S(ℝ) is, cf. (16):
SWh(A) =− |
| − |
| , SWh(B)= |
| − |
| , SWh(Z)=− |
| − |
| . (41) |
Note that SWh(B) now generates a usual harmonic oscillator, not the repulsive one like SWℏ(B) in (16). However the expressions in the quadratic algebra are still the same (up to a factor), cf. (17–19):
This is due to the Principle 5 of similarity and correspondence: we can swap operators Z and B with simultaneous replacement of hypercomplex units i and є.
The eigenspace of the operator 2SWh(B) with an eigenvalue є ν are spanned by the Weber–Hermite functions D−ν−1/2(±√2/hx), see [93]*§ 8.2. Functions Dν are generalisations of the Hermit functions (27).
The compatibility condition for a ladder operator within the Lie algebra h1 will be (37) as before, since it depends only on the commutators (18–19). Thus we still have the set of ladder operators corresponding to values λ=±1:
Lh±=X′∓Y′=є q±h |
| . |
Admitting double numbers we have an extra way to satisfy λ2=1 in (37) with values λ=±є. Then there is an additional pair of hyperbolic ladder operators, which are identical (up to factors) to (28):
Lє±=X′∓єY′=є q±єh |
| . |
Pairs Lh± and Lє± shift eigenvectors in the “orthogonal” directions changing their eigenvalues by ±1 and ±є. Therefore an indecomposable sp2-module can be parametrised by a two-dimensional lattice of eigenvalues in double numbers, see Fig. 3.2.
The following functions
are null solutions to the operators Lh± and Lє± respectively. They are also eigenvectors of 2SWh(B) with eigenvalues ∓є/2 and ∓1/2 respectively. If these functions are used as mother wavelets for the wavelet transforms generated by the Heisenberg group, then the image space will consist of the null-solutions of the following differential operators, see Cor. 6:
Dh= |
| =(∂ x −∂y)+ |
| (x+y), Dє= |
| =(∂ x +є∂y)− |
| (x−є y), |
for v1/2±h and v1/2±є respectively. This is again in line with the classical result (29). However annihilation of the eigenvector by a ladder operator does not mean that the part of the 2D-lattice becomes void since it can be reached via alternative routes on this lattice. Instead of multiplication by a zero, as it happens in the elliptic case, a half-plane of eigenvalues will be multiplied by the divisors of zero 1±є.
We can also search ladder operators within the algebra sp2 and admitting double numbers we will again find two sets of them, cf. § ??:
Again the operators L2h± and L2h± produce double shifts in the orthogonal directions on the same two-dimensional lattice in Fig. 3.2.
After the previous two cases it is natural to link classical mechanics with dual numbers generated by the parabolic unit ε2=0. Connection of the parabolic unit ε with the Galilean group of symmetries of classical mechanics is around for a while [339]*App. C.
However the nilpotency of the parabolic unit ε make it difficult if we will work with dual number valued functions only. To overcome this issue we consider a commutative real algebra C spanned by 1, i, ε and iε with identities i2=−1 and ε2=0. A seminorm on C is defined as follows:
⎪ ⎪ | a+bi+cε+diε | ⎪ ⎪ | 2=a2+b2. |
We wish to build a representation of the Heisenberg group which will be a classical analog of the Fock–Segal–Bargmann representation (13). To this end we introduce the space Fhε(ℍn) of C-valued functions on ℍn with the property:
f(s+s′,h,y)=eε h s′ f(s,x,y), for all (s,x,y)∈ ℍn, s′∈ ℝ , (45) |
and the square integrability condition (3). It is invariant under the left shifts and we restrict the left group action to Fhε(ℍn).
An equivalent form of the induced representation acts on Fhε(ℝ2n), where ℝ2n) is the homogeneous space of ℍn over its centre. The Fourier transform (x,y)↦(q,p) intertwines the last representation with the following action on C-valued functions on the phase space:
εh(s,x,y): f(q,p) ↦ e−2πi(xq+yp)(f(q,p) +εh(s f(q,p) + |
| f′q(q,p)− |
| f′p(q,p))). (46) |
We may also write a classical Schrödinger type representation. According to § 3.2 we get a representation formally very similar to the elliptic (15) and hyperbolic versions (34):
However due to nilpotency of ε the (complex) Fourier transform x↦ q produces a different formula for parabolic Schrödinger type representation in the configuration space, cf. (16) and (39):
[εχ(s′,x′,y′) f](q)= e2πi x′ q | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | 1−εh (s′− |
| x′y′) | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f(q) + |
| f′(q) | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . |
This representation shares all properties mentioned in Rem. 16 as well.
The identity e ε t−e −ε t= 2ε t can be interpreted as a parabolic version of the sine function, while the parabolic cosine is identically equal to one, cf. § 3.1 and [129, 190]. From this we obtain the parabolic version of the commutator (18):
for the partial parabolic Fourier-type transform ks of the kernels. Thus the parabolic representation of the dynamical equation (4) becomes:
εh |
| (εh,x,y;t)= ε h | ∫ |
| (xy′−yx′) Ĥs(ε h,x′,y′) fs(ε h,x−x′,y−y′;t) dx′dy′, (47) |
Although there is no possibility to divide by ε (since it is a zero divisor) we can obviously eliminate ε h from the both sides if the rest of the expressions are real. Moreover this can be done “in advance” through a kind of the antiderivative operator considered in [181]*(4.1). This will prevent “imaginary parts” of the remaining expressions (which contain the factor ε) from vanishing.
Using the duality between the Lie algebra of ℍn and the phase space we can find an adjoint equation for observables on the phase space. To this end we apply the usual Fourier transform (x,y)↦(q,p). It turn to be the Hamilton equation [181]*(4.7). However the transition to the phase space is more a custom rather than a necessity and in many cases we can efficiently work on the Heisenberg group itself.
ḟ= | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 y |
| + |
| − |
| x |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. |
ḟ= | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | m k2 q+ |
| q2 | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ |
| − |
| p |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f. |
An alternative derivation of classical dynamics from the Heisenberg group is given in the recent paper [247].
It is worth to notice that dual numbers are not only helpful in reproducing classical Hamiltonian dynamics, they also provide the classic rule for addition of probabilities. We use the same formula (10) to calculate kernels of the states. The important difference now that the representation (46) does not change the support of functions. Thus if we calculate the correlation term ⟨ v1,(g)v2 ⟩ in (11), then it will be zero for every two vectors v1 and v2 which have disjoint supports in the phase space. Thus no interference similar to quantum or hyperbolic cases (Section 4.2.3) is possible.
Finally we look for ladder operators for the Hamiltonian B′+Z′/2 or, equivalently, −B′+Z′/2. It can be identified with a free particle [338]*§ 3.8.
We can look for ladder operators in the representation (15–16) within the Lie algebra h1 in the form Lε±=aX′+bY′. This is possible if and only if
−b=λ a, 0=λ b. (48) |
The compatibility condition λ2=0 implies λ=0 within complex numbers. However such a “ladder” operator produces only the zero shift on the eigenvectors, cf. (??).
Another possibility appears if we consider the representation of the Heisenberg group induced by dual-valued characters. On the configuration space such a representation is [199]*(4.11):
[εχ(s,x,y) f](q)= e2πi x q | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | 1−εh (s− |
| xy) | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f(q) + |
| f′(q) | ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | . (49) |
The corresponding derived representation of h1 is
ph(X)=2πi q, ph(Y)= |
| , ph(S)=−εh I. (50) |
However the Shale–Weil extension generated by this representation is inconvenient. It is better to consider the FSB–type parabolic representation (46) on the phase space induced by the same dual-valued character. Then the derived representation of h1 is:
ph(X)=−2πi q− |
| ∂p, ph(Y)=−2πi p+ |
| ∂q, ph(S)=εh I. (51) |
An advantage of the FSB representation is that the derived form of the parabolic Shale–Weil representation coincides with the elliptic one (22).
Eigenfunctions with the eigenvalue µ of the parabolic Hamiltonian B′+Z′/2=q∂p have the form
vµ(q,p)=eµ p/q f(q), with an arbitrary function f(q). (52) |
The linear equations defining the corresponding ladder operator Lε±=aX′+bY′ in the algebra h1 are (48). The compatibility condition λ2=0 implies λ=0 within complex numbers again. Admitting dual numbers we have additional values λ=±ελ1 with λ1∈ℂ with the corresponding ladder operators
Lε±=X′∓ελ1Y′= −2πi q− |
| ∂p± 2πελ1i p= −2πi q+ εi( ± 2πλ1 p+ |
| ∂p). |
For the eigenvalue µ=µ0+εµ1 with µ0, µ1∈ℂ the eigenfunction (52) can be rewritten as:
vµ(q,p)=eµ p/q f(q)= eµ0 p/q | ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ | 1+εµ1 |
| ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ | f(q) (53) |
due to the nilpotency of ε. Then the ladder action of Lε± is µ0+εµ1↦ µ0+ε(µ1± λ1). Therefore these operators are suitable for building sp2-modules with a one-dimensional chain of eigenvalues.
Finally, consider the ladder operator for the same element B+Z/2 within the Lie algebra sp2, cf. § ??. There is the only operator Lp±=B′+Z′/2 corresponding to complex coefficients, which does not affect the eigenvalues. However the dual numbers lead to the operators
Lε±=± ελ2A′+B′+Z′/2 = ± |
| ⎛ ⎝ | q∂q−p∂p | ⎞ ⎠ | +q∂p, λ2∈ℂ. |
These operator act on eigenvalues in a non-trivial way.
We wish to summarise our findings. Firstly, the appearance of hypercomplex numbers in ladder operators for h1 follows exactly the same pattern as was already noted for sp2, see Rem. 9:
In the spirit of the Similarity and Correspondence Principle 5 we have the following extension of Prop. 10:
[H,L2±]=±ι L± |
It is worth continuing this investigation and describing in details hyperbolic and parabolic versions of FSB spaces.
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